2009 Pow Wow Listings

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June 4-5:

Kitigan Zibi Anishinabe Kijigon traditional
pow wow
Location: Maniwaki, QC. Kitigan Zibi School Grounds
Info: 819-449-1275
or 819-449-5449

June 13-14:
Peace River 14th Annual Aboriginal Gathering and contest pow wow
Location: Peace River, AB.
12-ft Davis Ball Diamond
Directions: Right in the valley of beautiful Peace River, Northern AB
Info: Dennis Whitford,
780-624-6367; dennis.whitford@gov.ab.ca

June 19-21:

Rainy River First Nations traditional pow wow
Manitou Rapids, ON
Directions: New Powwow Grounds. 1/4 mile north of Junction Hwy 11/71
Info: Elvis DeBungee,
807-482-2479; edebungee@hotmail.com
Cost: free

June 19-21:
Sakimay First Nation
contest pow wow
Location: Grenfell, SK
Info: 306-697-2831

June 19-21:
7th Annual Timiskaming First Nation Gathering of The Clans traditional
pow wow
Location: Timiskaming, QC. Pow-wow Grounds
Info: 819-723-5206; dawnish2467@hotmail.com

June 19-21:
Moosomin First Nation
pow wow
Moosomin First Nation, SK.
Directions: 39kms north of North Battleford, SK, on Highway 4 north, turn right at Cochin, follow road 3kms east to Moosomin
First Nation.

June 20:
Gathering at the Waters traditional pow wow.
Location: Fort Erie, ON
Info: Brenda Laforme,
905-871-8931, ext.266; odasiyolady@hotmail.com
Cost: donation
Additional Info: This is the first annual Unity Pow Wow honouring the waters here in Niagara. Come and help us celebrate as all our community members and agencies band together as one to build a strong circle for the next generation.

June 20-21:
Seventh Annual traditional pow wow
Location: Timiskaming First Nation, QC
Directions: Timiskaming First Nation is located approximately 2hrs north of North Bay and is adjacent to the municipality of Notre-Dame-du-Nord, QC
Info: Margaret Polson,
819-723-2121; www.tfnpowwow.com
Cost: free

June 21:
Ode’min Giizis Traditional Gathering pow wow
Location: Peterborough, ON. Del Crary Park
Info: Patti Shaughnessy,
705-745-1788; patti@publicenergy.ca http://publicenergy.ca/odemin_giizis.htm
Cost: free

June 23-25:
Annual Sakicawasihk contest pow wow
Location: North Battleford, SK. North Battleford Civic Centre, 1902 104th Street
Info: Shaun Weber,
Additional Info: Hosted by Gold Eagle Casino

July 3-5:

4th Annual Youth for Sobriety traditional pow wow
Location: Alkali Lake, BC
Info: 866-440-5611

July 3-5:
12th Annual Competition pow wow
Location: Swan Lake, MB
Directions: Swan Lake First Nation, MB. Junction 23 & 34 Highways
Host Drum: Rock Hill, Yellowquill Saskatchewan
Info: Paula Cameron, 204-836-2424; swanlakepow_wow@hotmail.com

July 4-5:
20th Annual Sheguiandah First Nation traditional pow wow
Location: Manitoulin Island, ON. Pow-wow Grounds
Info: 705-368-2781 or 705-368-2198; chopwaindubbence@hotmail.com

July 10-12:
26th Annual Pic River traditional pow wow
Location: Heron Bay, ON. Mouth of the Pic River
Directions: 3hrs east of Thunder Bay and 4hrs west of Sault Ste Marie
Info: Garland Moses,
807-229-1749; www.picriver.com mosesg@picriver.com
MC: Murphy Thomas, Red Lake, MN

July 11-12:
19th Annual Echoes Of A Pround Nation contest
pow wow*
Location: Kahnawake, QC. Kahnawake Ceremonial Grounds
Info: 450-632-7639 or
450-632-8667; www.kahnawakepowwow.com info@kahnawakepowwow.com

July 17-19:
Onion Lake contest
pow wow
Location: Onion Lake, SK. Sioux Empire Fairgrounds
Directions: Onion Lake Cree Nation is situated 50kms north of Lloydminster, SK, and Border City, AB, at the junction of Highway 17 and secondary Highway 797. Onion Lake Cree Nation is the only Cree Nation which straddles a provincial border. Pow wow grounds located 3kms north of Makaoo Mall Store.
Info: Elaine Whitstone,
306-344-7225; luvpowowz@yahoo.ca
Cost: free

July 17-19:
Opwaggwanisining traditional pow wow
Location: Nipigon, ON. Across from Lake Helen
Info: 807-887-2510; www.redrockband.ca rrib@shaw.ca

July 18-19:
Mississauga traditional
pow wow
Location: Blind River, ON. Pow Wow Grounds
705-356-1621, ext. 2236; sportscmplx@xplornet.com

July 24-26:
Spirit of the People contest pow wow
Location: Chilliwack, BC. Prospera Centre, 45323 Hodgins Ave
Paula Cranmer-Underhill, 604-824-5276; scf.paula@shawcable.com www.stolotourism.ca
MCs: Gerald Sitting Eagle Siksika, AB. Nelson Leon Chehalis, BC
AD: “Chilliwack” Zack Cailing
Host Drum: Eya Hey Nakoda
Cost: Elders 60+ free, 5 and under free, $10/day, $20 weekend (+ fees and taxes). Tickets available at www.ticketmaster.com or at the door

July 24-26:
Lac des Mille Lacs First Nation 2 Annual Traditional pow wow
Location: Upsala, ON. Savanne River Resort
Directions: Savanne River Resort is located 110kms west of Thunder Bay, ON & 18kms east of Upsala, ON on Hwy 17.
Info: Jim Chicago,
807-468-6489; jimchicago@shaw.ca
MC: Tommy White
AD: John Pierre

July 25-26:
30th Annual Champion of Champions contest
pow wow
Location: Ohsweken, ON. Chiefswood Park
Info: 866-393-3001,
515-445-4061 or
519-758-5444; www.grpowwow.com info@grpowwow.com

July 25-26:
20th Annual Whitefish Lake Nation traditional pow wow*
Location: Naughton, ON. Pow-wow Grounds
Info: 705-692-3651

July 28-30:
Misiapwistik Oskatisak 4th Annual contest
pow wow
Location: Grand Rapids, MB
Directions: We are located 411kms north of Winnipeg, MB, on Highway 6
Info: Sandra Cook,
204-309-0000; brownthunderbird99
Cost: Free

July 31-August 2:
Wendake contest pow wow
Location: Wendake, QC
Info: Eve Bastien,
418-847-1835; evebastien@tourismewendake.com

July 31-August 2:
27th Annual Lake of the Eagles traditional
pow wow
Location: Eagle Lake, ON. Pow-wow Grounds
Info: 807-755-5526; pitch1@mail.drytel.net

July 31-August 2:
Long Plain First Nation contest pow wow
Location: Long Plain, MB. Pow-wow Grounds
Info: 204-252-3066

August 1-2:

17th Annual Listuguj traditional pow wow
Location: Listiguj, QC. Moffet’s Landing
Info: 418-788-3166
or 418-788-5707

August 1-3:
49th Annual Wikwemikong contest pow wow
Location: Manitoulin Island, ON. Thunderbird Park
Info: 705-859-2385; www.wikwemikongheritage.org cbell@wikwemikongheritage.org
August 7-9:
26th Annual Big Grassy traditional pow wow*
Location: Big Grassy River, ON. Pow-wow Grounds
Info: 800-361-7228 or
807-488-5614; bggrassy@jam21.net 

August 8-9:
40th Annual Saugeen First Nation contest
pow wow
Location: Saugeen First Nation, ON. James Mason Centre
Info: 519-797-1973 or
519-797-5420; www.saugeenfirstnation.ca saugeennce@yahoo.ca or clinton.renee@sympatico.ca

August 15-16:
Cowessess First Nations traditional pow wow
Location: Cowessess, SK. Pow-wow Grounds
Info: 306-696-3324; lionel.sparvier@cowessessfn.com
Host Drum: Crooked Lake

August 14-16:
SiksilaFair contest
pow wow
Location: Siksika, AB
Directions: Southwest of Calgary, off Highway 1—near the town of Gleichen
Info: Noreen Breaker,
403-734-2773; breakernoreen@hotmail.com www.siksikanation.com
Host Drum: Blackfoot Crossing
Cost: Free admission

August 15-16:
16th Annual Whitefish River traditional
pow wow
Location: Birch Island, ON. Sunshine Alley
Info: 705-285-4321

August 15-16:
Honoring Vets traditional pow wow
Location: Wiarton, ON. Cape Croker Park
Info: 519-534-1689 or

August 15-16:
14th Annual Wahnapitae First Nations traditional
pow wow
Location: North Sudbury, ON. Wahnapitae First Nation
Info: 705-858-0610

August 21-23:
2nd Annual contest
pow wow
Location: Punnichy, SK. George Gordon First Nation
Directions: 8 miles south of Punnichy, SK
Info: Band Office,
306-835-2232; gordonfirstnation@sasktel.net
MCs: Howie Thompson & Winston Bear
ADs: Conrad Medicine Rope & Darcy Anaquod

August 22:
Honouring Our Children traditional pow wow
Location: Torrance, ON
Directions: Located at the Torrance Community Baseball Field on Hwy 169 in Torrance, ON (between Gravenhurst and Bala)
Info: Maureen Gaska,
705-762-4444; nativespiritcreations@hotmail.com
Cost: Open to public

September 4-6:

Wabigoon Lake Ojibway traditional pow wow
Location: Dryden, ON. Wabigoon Lake
Info: 807-938-6684 or 807-938-0030
September 5:
4th Annual Honoring Children traditional
pow wow
Location: Winnipeg, MB. Winnipeg Indian & Metis Friendship Centre
Info: 204-336-3600 or
204-250-7908; www.powwowtohonourchildren.ca hilly_mckay@yahoo.ca or info@powwowtohonourchildren.ca

September 5-6:
35th Annual Delaware Nation contest pow wow
Location: Moravian Reserve, ON. Highgate Rd
Info: 519-692-3936 or

September 10-13:
Six Nations Fall Fair contest pow wow
Location: Ohsweken, ON. Fair Grounds
Info: 519-445-0783; www.sntourism.com tourism@sntourism.com

September 12-13:
9th Annual Akwesasne Intertribal contest
pow wow
Location: Cornwall Island, ON. A’nowara’kowa Arena
Info: 613-575-2467 or 613-575-2348; www.akwesasnepowwow.com lking@adwesasne.ca orakwesasnepowwow@yahoo.com

September 12-13:
9th Annual Traditional pow wow
Location: Midland, ON. Ste. Marie Park
Directions: Hwy 12 & Wye Valley Road, Midland, ON
Info: Kathy 705-526-5589 gbnfc@gbnfc.com www.gbnfc.com
September 19-20:
Curve Lake traditional pow wow
Location: Curve Lake First Nations, ON. Pow Wow Grounds (Lancewood Par)
Info: 705-657-8045
11th Annual Northern Lights Casino Thanksgiving traditional pow wow
Location: Prince Albert, SK. Communiplex Art Hauser Centre
Info: 306-764-4777; www.siga.sk.ca paul.loheim@siga.sk.ca

October 10-12:

Thanksgiving traditional pow wow
Location: Rama, ON. Mask Arena
Info: 705-325-3611, ext. 1298; robinh@mnjikaning.ca

November 3-4:

4th Annual Manito Ahbee International contest
pow wow
Location: Winnipeg, MB. MTS Centre
Info: 204-956-1849; www.manitoahbee.com info@manitoahbee.com

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