
Why advertise in the Nation?

Do you have a business or product to promote? An event listing to share? A public notice to disseminate? When you advertise with The Nation, your message WILL reach your intended audience.

With the ongoing resource boom in the North, don’t miss out on the opportunity to build relationships and brand loyalty with one of the fastest growing markets in North America. The average household income amongst the Cree in Northern Quebec is $100,000. That’s almost 25% higher than the median family income in Canada!

The Nation is uniquely positioned to get your organization seen and heard as a player in the North. We offer:

  • 26 issues per year
  • In-house design / Translation
  • 7000 copies every 2 weeks
  • Print, Web and Social Media Packages
  • Promotional campaigns
  • 10,000+ web visits per month
  • Advertorials
  • 10,000 followers on Facebook every week
  • Full PDF downloadable online

Maximum impact in a niche market

The Nation serves a fairly remote region. Access to information is greatly reduced compared to that of southern cities like Montreal – no billboards, few radio stations, and no magazine stores. The number of culturally relevant sources is even smaller. Our readers are not bombarded by advertising messages, so your advertising dollars work harder for you. Ads in The Nation are noticed, read and reread.
Contact our sales representatives to explore possibilities for your next ad campaign.

Danielle Valade
tel: 514 272 3077

Wendall Gull
tel: 514-272-3077

Reach 30,000 potential customers for under $200 with online advertising & promotion packages:

  • Leaderboard/Banner Ad at top of page (728 x 90 pixels): $ 399 per month
  • Rectangular Ad in sidebar (300 x 250 pixels): $ 249 per month
  • Facebook wall post: $99 per month