Outdoor fun

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Each year visiting the Hunting, Fishing and Camping show at Place Bonaventure is always fun. It’s not only the chance to see what’s new but to get great in-show bargains.

This year I brought a fishing bag from Pronature for only $9.95, along with fishing sunglasses for another $7. I’m ready for a summer of fishing provided I can get away from the office long enough to cast a few lines in the waters of Eeyou Istchee’s many rivers and lakes. While there was a Cree presence, it was minuscule compared to the over 100 outfitters and outdoor destinations.

Looking at some of the gear I was reminded of the upcoming goose hunt. The warm weather has especially helped to bring home the hunt as geese will soon be returning to their summer digs.

Only one new product stuck with me after the show and that was the amazing TowTab. It’s a compressed hand towel that’s smaller than the first joint of your little finger. Add water and presto chango a hand towel. It’s perfect for hunting. Interested parties can find out more at www.towtabs.com. People freaked in the office when I showed them it.

At the show they also offered free boating license tests. I passed easily as will most Crees, paid my $60 and expect my permanent card in the mail soon.

Another article for the well-off Cree hunter and fishermen is the duel 12-volt battery/propane cooler/refrigerator.

For those into organic products go to the www.druide.ca website. Located in Quebec, one of its many products is Citronella, guaranteed to provide effective protection against mosquitoes.

Portable winches looked like a lot of fun for the outdoorsman. You’ll be able to go where no vehicle has gone before or winch that moose or tree right to your truck cab. Personally I wouldn’t mind one to haul heavy loads right to the cabin or just move a heavy waterlogged blind out of the water.

Next year I will be looking at a handmade goose call and perhaps a handmade knife. Regular knives are great but it’s like the difference between store-bought snowshoes and the ones made by a Cree especially for you. They both do the job but the handmade models are a joy to use.

All in all, it’s always good fun at the Hunting, Fishing and Camping show. Hark! Is that the call of a goose off in the distance?

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