Chisasibi’s Drugmongers?

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Two Chisasibi men have been arrested along with two other men from Quebec after police discovered a marijuana grow-op near Cornwall, Ontario.

On Saturday, August 21, the Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Ontario Provincial Police were patrolling Concession 3 in South Glengarry Township when a suspicious vehicle was spotted along the shoulder of the road.

The officer then spotted an individual emerging from a nearby cornfield and called in for backup along with a canine unit. In total 39 plants and 23 grams of suspected marijuana were seized, which police estimate have a total street value of $40,000.

The four men have since been charged under the controlled drugs and substances act for the production of marijuana.

Charged were Benjamin Monger, 24 and Simon Monger, 29, of Chisasibi, and Mario Monger, 50 and Mathieu Allard, 19, both from La Presentation, Quebec.

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