Shannen’s Dream lives on

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The Assembly of First Nations unanimously passed a resolution to support Shannen’s Dream, an organization whose sole goal is to end educational apartheid for First Nations school children across Canada.

The organization was formed in the wake of Shannen Koostachin’s passing last May to commemorate her fight to get a school in her community of Attawapiskat for the children who were attending classes in substandard conditions.

Since it was Koostachin’s dream that every First Nations child across the country get to go to a well-funded school like the ones for the general population, a movement has been spreading across Canada to keep her dream alive and continue her fight.

On December 15, the AFN chiefs unanimously passed a resolution in support of Shannen’s Dream in front of an audience that included a crowd of youth from the Kitigan Zibi First Nation.

Just one day early, National Grand Chief Shawn Atleo spoke about Koostachin in an address he made to chiefs at a gathering in Gatineau, Quebec.

“Let’s honour the dream of Shannen Koostachin from Attawapiskat. A teenager and a passionate advocate of fairness in education. A brave young woman who looked the Minister of Indian Affairs in the eye and said softly, but with irresistible conviction, ‘My… community… deserves… a… school!’

“Tragically, we lost Shannen this year. But her legacy lives on in Shannen’s Dream, a campaign to struggle for better First Nations education for all our children. And, to the boys and girls of Attawapiskat, she has left a powerful personal legacy.

“Shannen got them a school!”

For more info on Shannen’s Dream, go to:


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