James Bay Eagles honour their best from 2011

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The James Bay Eagles 6-A-Side football club recently held their off-season banquet dinner in Chisasibi. In addition to team players and coaches, representatives of Football Quebec were on hand for the special evening, which included the presentation of awards to Eagle players that demonstrated marked improvement, dedication and overall excellence in their game over the last season.

However, the Eagles did not rest for very long. Preparations for the Eagles’ 2012 season are well underway with strength, speed and agility training sessions taking place under the guidance of Coach Trevor Allen Monaghan. Full training camp is scheduled to open in May, with the regular season schedule starting in July.

“This sport is really the place to become a leader, get motivated and acquire discipline,” said Monaghan, in a recent CBC / Radio-Canada feature on the young coach and the football program he has developed. That feature is part of “8th Fire”, an ongoing series that chronicles Canada’s 500-year-old relationship with Aboriginal peoples.

“8th Fire” followed the Eagles to the 2011 6 Nations Challenge 6-A-Side football tournament, where they competed against teams from across Canada. The Eagles will be back for the 2012 tourney this August, which Football Quebec is hoping to host in Montreal for the first time.

“It’s something special for our Cree youth to be involved in a national tournament. It proves to other provinces and to Football Canada that our program is a serious one,” explained Monaghan.

“We prepare for this (tournament) every year. The kids are really dedicated.”

Visit the Nation’s facebook page (www.facebook.com/NATIONnewsmagazine) to watch the complete 8th Fire report.

James Bay Eagles 2011 Award Winners
Team MVP Midget: Vernon Neacappo
Team MVP Bantam: Ronald Washipabano
Offensive MVP Midget: Louis-Vincent Parent
Offensive MVP Bantam: Vincent MacDonald
Defensive MVP Midget: Alex MacDonald
Defensive MVP Bantam:
Kwiiskwabino Joesph Dylan Neacappo
Sook Award Midget: Marc Scipio Rager-beauregard
Sook Award Bantam: Jonathan Devin Pashagumeskum
Most Improved Midget: Paul Bobbish
Most Improved Bantam: Toby Scipio
Most Dedicated Midget: Timothy Rabbitskin
Most Dedicated Bantam: Samuel Sam
Best Lineman Midget: Ryan Saganash-Tremblay
Best Lineman Bantam: Matthew Swallow Jr.

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