Dog clinic returns to James Bay

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“It’s that time again…. the annual spring Dog Clinic is coming! The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) announces its return to the James Bay communities to provide vaccinations, deworming and spaying/neutering for dogs and puppies of all ages. IFAW has been providing support and services to the James Bay Cree and their canines since 2003. Taking responsibility for your dog is your job and we can help you with that by taking care of your dog’s health.

Neutering your male dog makes him less likely to look for girlfriends – he won’t roam as much, pack up on females or get into fights with other males. Spaying your female dog stops her from having more puppies, making a mess and attracting multiple males.

Be part of the solution. Taking care of your dog is up to you. Come and see us. Ask your PSO for April or June dates and locations. See you in the spring!”

Contact Jan Hannah at

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