From senator to journo?

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Controversial senator Patrick Brazeau of Kitigan Zibi has landed a new gig as a “journalist.” Brazeau was hired by the Halifax arm of Frank, a satirical and gossip magazine, that lampoons Canadian politicians.

Brazeau came to prominence when he boxed future Liberal Party leader Justin Trudeau. Brazeau lost the bout and had his ponytail cut by Trudeau in front of TV cameras and reporters.

Brazeau went on to anger Natives and their supporters during the height of the Idle No More movement when he belittled Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence during her hunger strike on Victoria Island, insinuating that Spence had gained weight during her strike. Not long after he made headlines again when he was arrested and charged with sexual assault and battery after an altercation with his partner at his home in Gatineau. More controversy followed when questions arose about his residency expense claims. He said his principal residence is on the Kitigan Zibi reserve near Maniwaki, Quebec, but locals. on the reserve said they rarely saw him in the Algonquin community.

Brazeau was suspended as a senator after criminal charges were filed against him. Weeks after his suspension, Brazeau admitted that the Harper government used him as puppet against First Nations causes, feeding him prepared talking points that mostly consisted of negative right-wing attacks on Native people.

After losing his Senate salary Brazeau went on Twitter to announce he was looking for media work. Frank magazine bit, hiring him though he had no experience as a journalist. “Listen, here’s the deal: Frank Magazine exists, to paraphrase a famous quote, to comfort the afflicted, and be a pain (in) the arse to the comfortable,” managing editor Andrew Douglas wrote on the magazine’s website.

“And who could possibly be a bigger pain in the arse to, I dunno, just throwin’ out some names here, senators (Marjory) LeBreton, (David) Tkachuk and (Carolyn) Stewart Olsen than their former colleague, Patrick Brazeau? Can’t you just picture it?”

Brazeau claims he is writing a book and is open to starring in a reality show.

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