Category: Image Gallery

Coming together

Coming together

Annual Val-d’Or march underlines the fight against racism   Photo by Paul Brindamour   Over a 1000 people gathered in downtown Val-d’Or for the 13th annual Gabriel Commanda March on March 21. The event is held every year on the […]

End First Nations poverty by ditching Indian Act

OTTAWA — An influential lobby group with close ties to the federal Conservatives is recommending that Ottawa ditch the Indian Act and give First Nations more control over their land in order to end aboriginal poverty once and for all. […]

First Nations brace for ‘nefarious’ funding cuts

First Nations leaders in Northern Ontario are preparing for looming federal funding cuts and caps that could slash their budgets in half. “We’re vulnerable right now,” Nishnawbe Aski Nation Grand Chief Harvey Yesno told almost 50 chiefs gathered for a […]

First Nations youth discuss ideas for change

Youth taking part in a forum to discuss issues such as education, culture and suicide plan on making recommendations to government and First Nations leaders about how to make things better for their communities. The three-day forum in Thunder Bay […]

Canada First Nations Joint Action Plan

Canada and First Nations have an enduring historic relationship based on mutual respect, friendship and support.  Under this government, there has been a shift in Canada’s relationship with First Nations, exemplified by the Prime Minister’s historic apology to former students […]

First Nations ask for urgent meeting

More than 2,000 aboriginal protesters took a “dire” call for change to the nation’s capital on Friday in a bid to pressure the government to meet and discuss treaty rights and “crises” plaguing First Nations communities. The demonstrators, who were […]

First Nations eye action to oppose pipelines

A coalition of aboriginal leaders has drawn a line in the oilsands and has warned of a “long, hot summer” ahead in the group’s fight against the government’s resource development agenda. First Nations leaders from Canada and the United States […]

Former AFN Chief Sean Atleo

Demand for unity is getting louder

The arduous journey of the Nishiyuu Walkers may be complete, but their demand for unity and a new relationship between the federal government and aboriginal people is only getting louder, native leaders said Monday. Seven men, including a guide, left […]

Standing up for women

Standing up for women

International Women’s Day highlights the issues Every year on March 8, people around the world celebrate women who have made a difference in our society and raise their voices for those who have been silenced. Violence towards women is like […]

Discovering Tursujuq’s beauty

Discovering Tursujuq’s beauty

A new collaborative park project for the north   photo by Robert Fréchette Covering an incredible 26,910 square kilometres of pristine land untouched by development, the new Tursujuq National Park project, on the eastern coast of Hudson Bay, highlights the […]