The federal government’s controversial First Nations Education Act has been put on hold following the May 2 resignation of Shawn A-in-chut Atleo, National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations. Atleo supported the education bill, which has been criticized by […]
Category: In Brief
Cloutier officially joins Order of Canada
Edith Cloutier, President of the Regroupement des Centres d’amitié Autochtones du Québec (RCAAQ), was officially invested into the Order of Canada May 7. Cloutier has worked to improve the lives of urban Aboriginals for years. This is particularly true in […]
Kelley back as Aboriginal Affairs Minister
A familiar face will handle Quebec’s Aboriginal Affairs department in the new Liberal government of Philippe Couillard, which was sworn into power April 23 after winning a big majority in the April 7 provincial election. Geoffrey Kelley, the Liberal MNA […]
Mattagami youth competes at Miss North Ontario pageant
Janelle Golinowski, a member of Mattagami First Nation, will be showcasing her talents as a traditional dancer at the Miss North Ontario Regional Canada Pageant 2014. The 18-year-old is proud to have been selected to represent her community for the […]
Liberals win majority, Ungava
Philippe Couillard will be Quebec’s new premier following a decisive election victory that saw Parti Québécois leader Pauline Marois resign after losing her own riding in the PQ’s worst election result in 40 years. In the Ungava riding that covers […]
Ducharme is top businesswoman
The Toronto Aboriginal Business Association (TABA) has named Theresa Ducharme businesswoman of the year. Ducharme, the founder and CEO of Lemon Cree Fitness, has collaborated with the Cree Women of Eeyou Istchee Association to promote healthy and active lifestyles throughout […]
Snowmobiler’s death linked to alcohol and speed
Mistissini resident Matthew Coonishish died after being crushed by his friend’s snowmobile March 18 as they were riding on Waconichi Lake near Chibougamou. The Sûreté du Québec attributed the accident to impaired driving at high speeds by both vehicle operators. […]
Koostachin superhero unveiled
Late last year, DC comics artist Jeff Lemire announced that he was in the process of creating a new Cree superhero based on late Attawapiskat activist Shannen Koostachin. Koostachin, who died in a car accident in 2010, was renowned for […]
Three stories of loss and redemption
A sense of loss underpins Robert Morin’s 3 Histoires d’Indiens, a French-language film set for release on April 11 that follows the journey of five First Nations youth living in a small community. The three stories Morin recounts highlight the […]
Journey of the Nishiyuu documented in new film
Just over a year ago, the six original Nishiyuu Walkers and their guide left the community of Whapmagootsui with only the snowshoes on their feet, the supplies on their backs and an determination to bring their important message to the […]