Category: Rez Notes

Summer bodies

Well, now that winter is nearly done with, most of us can resume our strict diet and exercise routine that we all started one week into the New Year. This, of course, is day two of the diet. Summer is […]


A good friend of mine used to say that being second best is like being the first. Looking at the tail end of the winner is somehow satisfying knowing that you were at least in the top three. The winner […]

The NHL Playoffs Part 1

Woke up this morning realizing that once again, most Canadian teams are missing in this year’s NHL playoffs. Then I remembered that Les Habitants were among the missing teams. I smiled, but I will have no further comment. Once again, […]

Racing the storm

My phone alarm wakes me slowly and my morning starts. It’s up and about with a cup of coffee, packing bags and getting ready to head home. We’re in North Bay and the weather has been great. My phone rattles […]


Often, people like to think that the year-end for people of the north is December 31. But it’s really March 31! Yes, it’s that time of the year when all budgets must be expended, all holidays must be taken and […]

What`s in a name?

A long time ago, when I was a cute, cherubic child, I had a long name to remember. There was my first name, middle name, second last name and finally my last name to remember and to tell everyone who […]

The Ref and I

One time, after getting tossed from a hockey game, I expressed my displeasure and disagreement with the referee’s decision by throwing three full garbage bags on the ice – one each for the referee and his two linesmen. Another time, […]

A real winter

It was a spectacular winter day, our snowmobiles chugging along faithfully just north of Paint Hills, around Comb Island. The ptarmigan were scarce and scared, but we managed to bag a number of them before we decided to make fire […]

The holiday hold-up

There’s something I’ve wanted to get off my chest for a while now. I wonder if I’m the only one who thinks there is a conspiracy to empty our bank accounts in a never-ending cycle. Do all these corporate giants […]

A reason for school

Our hands were getting a little numb as we used a simple handheld hole punch on cards that looked like those you’d punch in and out at a factory. These cards contained simple commands for a massive computer the size […]