Suspended Senator Patrick Brazeau, affectionately known around the office as Uncle Tomahawk from his time as an aboriginal apologist for Stephen Harper’s attacks on First Nations, claims he is now “loaded for bear.” Despite facing a variety of criminal charges, […]
Category: News Editorial
Happy Mother’s Day
I don’t think there is a culture on this planet that doesn’t honour their mothers. Though the modern Mother’s Day is relatively new, hundreds of years ago both the Greeks and the Romans had festivals honouring motherhood. It is only […]
Why Bill C-51 is a threat to Aboriginal rights
In January, the federal government tabled Bill C-51, the Anti-terrorism Act, 2015. The bill has generated widespread uncertainty and concern. It fails to safeguard the dignity, human rights and security of Indigenous peoples and individuals. It is inconsistent with good […]
Aloha antics
Social media erupted in righteous indignation recently after the Journal de Montréal and other Sun Media tabloids harrumphed that officials from the Kativik and Cree school boards had attended the World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Education in Hawaii last May. […]
Got a heart?
Visiting Val-d’Or recently, I finally had a chance to visit one of my old haunts… the infamous Chateau Louis bar. It no longer serves alcoholic beverages, however. Now it instead helps those who would frequent the establishment for its historical […]
If you don’t first succeed…
For too many of us, a proposal to create a boarding school for Aboriginal students is like the return of a bad dream. Educator Harvey McCue (aka Waubageshig), who once worked for the Cree School Board, spoke of the proposal […]
Secret police and smart TVs
The Twitterverse exploded recently over the revelation that Samsung’s new SmartTV models might be watching the watchers. It was an odd admission for an electronics manufacturer to make. Samsung promotes the new product by saying viewers need only “speak into […]
Feds spend millions on self-promotional “news”
Special by Lily Ryan, Editor of the West Quebec Post In my junk folder are hundreds of emails from a company called “News Canada”. This is a pseudo news agency that offers free newspaper content. I scan through their emails […]
A First Nation Xmas Present
You have to hand it to Prime Minister Stephen Harper. He always manages to tick off everything on his Christmas wish list. Even after receiving a wall of criticism over bills such as the First Nation Financial Transparency Act, he […]
You’ve come a long way, baby
Another year has come and gone. With my increasingly advanced age they seem to fly by faster when it comes time to look back and assess our progress at the Nation. That’s probably why I value each one more and […]