Category: News Editorial

Balancing the risks

  We long ago became accustomed to the environmental review reports issued by those who wish to exploit the land. Usually we are told there will be few problems if any, no real impacts and that the materials to be […]

Building a legacy on a foundation of humanity

I know many of you might expect me to use this space to attack National Post columnist Christie Blatchford for her December 27 piece as full of bull… err horseshit (she’s the one who fertilized her prose with “horse manure,” […]

Coals in Xmas stockings

The holiday season is upon us and for some the Christmas cheer isn’t so loud. While Indian Affairs Minister John Duncan is quietly glad Parliament is finished until January, the community of Attawapiskat will still be looking at a chilly […]

No editorial

  This issue of the Nation doesn’t have an editorial. It’s not that I have nothing to say but rather no time in which to really say it well. Other matters have occupied my mind and time. On Thursday, November 17 at […]


A man once wrote those who control our knowledge of the past controls the present and therefore define the future. Within the Cree world we are subject to more than the tales and legends of our people. We are overwhelmed […]

Caribou and you

Recently, a poll by Léger Marketing showed Quebecers felt it was important to protect endangered species. It’s an attitude the Crees know well. It’s even one they have been a part of when the need was there. For example, in […]

Still no apology?

  Wow, we did a news brief last issue in which Aboriginal Affairs Minister John Duncan said residential schools weren’t really genocide. Duncan instead felt “the history of residential schools tells of an education policy gone wrong.” This was done […]

What’s with the walk?

Quebec has yet again shown they have traditions they are unwilling to give up. After releasing the long-awaited Golder Report they withdrew their representative on the steering committee that is supposed to deal with the mining toxins affecting the area […]

Facts you should know

The Cree world is never one you can stand back and fully understand. It is like the many rivers our ancestors used for highways. A wise man once said a river is a place where every step you take is […]

Opening the door to a brighter future

I’ve been traveling a lot in the past while. I went to Eastmain for the Grand Council/Cree Regional Authority Annual General Assembly. One of the discussions I had was on meals for students. I was told that a meal program […]