Category: News Editorial

We survive

Bets were being placed on the Nation’s demise even before the first issue hit the printers almost 25 years ago. And some people have been praying for our end ever since. From the beginning, this newsmagazine hasn’t always been what […]

Taking chances

Don’t you hate it when you see something on social media that is wrong, but people believe it anyway? When I read something that gives me a twitchy feeling I check it out. There is a danger in blind belief […]

Keeping warm the Cree way

Winter is coming, and I’m not talking about the phrase made famous by the Game of Thrones series. There are pictures of geese flying south early from all over Eeyou Istchee. Most Cree know (or should know) that this is […]


Quebec’s provincial election is upon us. Will the Liberals continue to hold power, or will Quebec choose to see another party take over? It’s hard to tell at this point, but you have a chance to decide the outcome on […]


When I was young, whenever an election was held for chief of the community, candidates would stand facing the crowd. Then the people would line up in front of the person they thought should be the chief. Someone would count […]

Forgiveness and celebration

by Curtis Bosum, Chief of Ouje-Bougoumou I recently had the privilege of joining with our Elders who remember the time in our history when we lived across from Mistissini at a location that has come to be known as “Ouje […]

The cost of indifference

After she had been reported missing on July 27, Mina Iquasiak Aculiak was found alive in Montreal August 2. That’s the good news. The series of events that lead to the disappearance of the Inuit woman remind us why there’s […]

Cree Social Media

Perusing the comments and statements on Facebook and other social media sites is always interesting, informative and often disturbing. Disturbing in the way that some posts are vague and while without any real substance can create stereotypes. These stereotypes then […]

Reid between the lines

The Angus Reid Institute released a controversial survey in early June demonstrating contradictory and sharply divided Canadian attitudes toward Indigenous people. For example, 53% of Canadians don’t believe Indigenous people should have a status different from other Canadians. But 60% of […]

Keeping the fire burning

It’s kind of like playing political whack-a-mole. When one tries to stamp out an annoying problem it always reappears when one doesn’t address why it appeared in the first place. When Regina police dismantled a teepee, doused a sacred fire […]