Category: News Editorial

35 years of grumbling

It has been 35 years since the Crees signed the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement. Why it only seems like yesterday to many. This Agreement was hailed as the first modern treaty. Indeed it is the model many Aboriginal […]

The Facebook Standoff

I thought I had heard, read or seen almost everything until I heard about the Facebook standoff. This incident involved Willie Blacksmith of Mistissini, two guns, alcohol and whole lot of foolishness. I don’t even need to talk to the […]

2010 Assimilation alive and well

Here’s a statement about relations between the Canadian governments and the Indigenous people, with which I wholeheartedly agree. It comes from a group called Defenders of the Land, who encourage and organize First Nations to base their policies on Aboriginal […]

Every political opinion should be represented in Parliament

A recent flurry of concern in the media about the irrelevance for most Canadians of what happens in Parliament has brought the only possible response from Ed Broadbent, former leader of the NDP. He pointed out that most Canadian voters […]

Join the missing women’s movement

You can see the movement happening all over Canada. In the Yukon, the Minister responsible for the Women’s Directorate Marian C. Horne said, “Reducing the incidence of violence against Aboriginal women continues to be a priority for the Yukon government.” […]

An apology is nothing without change

The Canadian government apologized a couple of weeks ago to 87 Inuits who were relocated 1200 kilometres away from home to the High Arctic against their will. Community members of Inukjuak, Quebec, were moved to Grise Fiord and Resolute, in […]

The era of the electronic leash

Once again I might date myself in an editorial. That doesn’t mean this rant is any less pertinent to our lives, however. That’s because, my dear technologically enslaved readers, we need to travel further back in time, back to the […]

Where have all the votes gone?

You may be aware that there was a recent election in Mistissini for chief, deputy chief and band council. Like many other would-be Mistissini electors, however, I unfortunately had no chance of voting in the all-important run-off election held July […]

The not-so-sexy Bill C-3

To say that more than a few people were pissed at the attempts of Conservative MPs and senators to address sex discrimination in determining Indian Status through Bill C-3 would be minimizing the problem. Many are saying C-3 doesn’t fix […]

National Aboriginal Day in Val-d’Or

While National Aboriginal Day may not have made the news beyond funding cuts in big cities around Canada, in Quebec, Val d’Or’s festivities drew a crowd of 700 people. Perhaps it was the fact they were also celebrating the local […]