Category: News Editorial

Pride of the Nation

I remember a famous quote of Campbell’s Soup CEO Doug Conant from my school days. “To win in the marketplace you must first win in the workplace.” That is something I have tried to bring to every endeavour I have […]

A Simple Message

Grand Chief Abel Bosum’s presentation May 29 to the Standing Senate Committee on Aboriginal Peoples is an appropriate message for our National Aboriginal Day issue. Invited to speak on MP Romeo Saganash’s private member’s bill to adopt the United Nations […]

Helping hands

Recently a young 16-year-old from Uganda, Kahoza Joas, sent me a Facebook friend request. Intrigued, I accepted. The story he told during our online conversations brought back memories of my youth in Mistissini and Moose Factory. He talked of poverty […]

Lessons I have learned

As Snoopy in the Peanuts comic strip would write, “It was a dark and stormy night.” It was dark and stormy last February on the evening I was hit by a car. I realized the car wasn’t going to miss […]

Scanned Document

The 2018 Appropriation Award

Indian Horse, by the late Richard Wagamese, is possibly one of the most important books ever penned by an Indigenous author. It’s a lament on the life of Saul Indian Horse, a residential school survivor and promising NHL prospect who […]

Adding insult to injury

At least in the case of Canada’s First Nations, the oldest Christian organized religion, the Catholic Church, has a hard time apologizing. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and AFN National Grand Chief Perry Bellegarde have all […]

Boyce at 90

I had the honour of attending Boyce Richardson’s 90th birthday party March 21at his home in Montreal. After nine decades, the combative journalist has lost none of his fire, much less his humour. His son, my good friend Thom Richardson, […]

Meet the old boss

A quarter-century ago, a group of wild-eyed young people were batting around the idea of founding a newsmagazine to cover the Cree communities of James Bay. They had no resources, no big investor, but they did have the will to […]

The mechanics of justice

There is a vivid anger across Canada over the acquittal of Saskatchewan farmer Gerald Stanley at his second-degree murder trial in the shooting death of the young Cree man Colten Boushie. The lack of Indigenous jurors on an all-white jury […]

Abel Kitchen, 1943-2018

It was with sadness the news reached us of the passing of Abel Kitchen. Abel was a man of many talents and abilities. When the Quebec government announced the “Project of the Century,” a plan to dam Cree lands— he […]