My son Declan was recently baptized in the Anglican Church. As I am not a Christian it may be surprising that I would participate in this ceremony – especially since I attended the Anglican-run Horden Hall residential school as a […]
Category: News Editorial
Beyak gets the boot
Conservative Senator Lynn Beyak’s recent, well-publicized remarks on residential schools were disturbing, to say the least. When she told the Senate Standing Committee on Aboriginal Peoples that the Truth and Reconciliation Commission failed to communicate all the good accomplished by […]
Norman Hawkins: 1946-2017
It was with great sorrow that I learned Norm Hawkins passed away on February 22. Norm was a man I respected as a straight talker. He never sugarcoated a situation. He never got rich off the Cree people but worked […]
Our future
There’s a lot of talk about the proposed Cree constitution. Many are asking worried questions about what it means and what will it do for the Cree Nation. Straight off, it’s important for me to say that I support the […]
Fake news and other views
Every now and then politicians attack the media. One of my favourite responses was the Duke of Wellington when he said, “Publish and be damned.” In this case it was an attempt to blackmail the duke. So yes, there are […]
Crazy Valentines
I love Valentine’s Day and all that it means. Of course it is named after Saint Valentine, the Patron Saint of betrothed couples, beekeepers, epilepsy, fainting, greetings, happy marriages, love, lovers, plague, travelers, and young people. His feast day is […]
Signs of things to come
Newly elected US President Donald Trump has a dream: to “make America great again.” It’s a far cry from anything Martin Luther King Jr. would have endorsed when he had a dream for America. Trump’s first days in the Oval […]
What is governance?
The Grand Council is beginning a tour of all Eeyou communities, including Mocreebec and Washaw Sibi, to consult on governance and a Cree constitution. So it’s time to reflect on what this means for those of us who live in […]
Christmas memories
Ah, the night before Christmas and all through the houses children were fighting not to go to bed in the hope of seeing Santa. At least that was the excuse my five-year-son Hunter was giving me. He wanted to talk […]
Good Will to all
It’s time for the last editorial thoughts of 2016. It’s been a crazy year: no charges for the Val-d’Or SQ officers denounced for physical and sexual abuse, questionable environmental monitoring and practices by De Beers, the amazing support for Standing […]