Category: The Opinion Pages Category


Why vote? It’s a question many people ask themselves when elections roll around. While voter turnouts for Cree elections and referendums are healthy, our participation in federal and provincial campaigns is dismal. Most Cree are eligible to vote in the […]

PKP and the PQ

Even before he announced he would be a Parti Québécois candidate in the April 7 provincial election, this campaign was already all about Pierre Karl Péladeau and his Quebecor media empire. As the owner of almost half of all media […]

Journeys of hope and determination

I am always impressed by the Cree of James Bay who make huge sacrifices on behalf of their community and their nation. Adults and teenagers from both sides of the James Bay have made epic journeys from remote northern communities […]

Another year, another empty promise

In Indian Country we often say the trail of broken treaties is littered with good intentions. Many First Nations’ social and economic problems that could have been more easily and cheaply solved in the past have now grown to seemingly […]

Pete Seeger: We shall overcome

Few musicians combined music and a lifetime of struggle for social justice like Pete Seeger, the legendary American folksinger who died January 27 at the age of 94. As a union activist, I particularly appreciate his songs that evoke the […]

Follow the money

The Fraser Institute played the Grinch last month by encouraging Canadian governments to confiscate what it portrays as overly lavish gifts under the Christmas trees of First Nations people. According to a misleading study published in December by the right-wing […]

The year of the Grinch

Alcohol and substance abuse counsellors sometimes say a person has to hit rock bottom before they can start climbing out of the nightmare of their addiction. For political junkies in Canada, this past year had to mark a new low […]

Christmas memories

Memories of Christmas past often return to me as the holidays approach. One of my earliest was in Moose Factory. We lived in a small red trailer on the island in those days with dad working at the former CFB […]

Two decades of laughter, tears, toil and news

The noted author and journalist Michael Connelly once said, “A newspaper is the centre of a community, it’s one of the tent poles of the community, and that’s not going to be replaced by Web sites and blogs.” A Cree […]

Democracy or hypocrisy?

As I write, the Canadian Senate is in the middle of a debate over a motion to suspend three of its members without pay. They are Mike Duffy, Pamela Wallin and Patrick Brazeau, all Harper appointees who have since been […]