Category: The Opinion Pages Category

Facebook and you

The Cree world is increasingly one that exists online, especially in social media. It’s a great way to connect families and communities but its drawbacks are growing. The impersonal nature of sites like Facebook is leading to incidents of character […]

International Embarrassment

The son of a soldier, I grew up as an army brat on several Canadian Forces bases. In my teens at CFB Petawawa, I knew many of the soldiers who went to Cyprus, where some 29,000 Canadians served between 1964 […]

Toronto the not so good

Toronto has a lot going for it. Canada’s largest city rightly considers itself the cultural, entertainment and financial capital of Canada. Officially, the city is proud of its cultural diversity, but increasingly, that pride is being questioned by Aboriginal Peoples […]

Values? More like a crass election strategy

Living in Montreal, I’ve often gazed up the defining geographical feature of this city, Mount Royal, and wondered why in this day and age it should be topped by an illuminated Christian cross that is paid for by all residents […]

Forewarned is forearmed

For some reason, people were shocked when Google admitted in a US courtroom last week that, effectively, no one should expect privacy when sending a message via Gmail, the Net giant’s hugely popular web-based email provider. Let’s face it: as […]

Without consent

Let’s call it what it is: Canada’s historical treatment of Aboriginal Peoples qualifies as a crime against humanity. The recently unearthed documents describing horrific experiments on malnourished Native children in the 1940s and 1950s is further proof that, even after […]

A traditional circle of non-responsibility

They say the fire near Eastmain started on June 12 but no one did anything about it for over two weeks. Even as I write this editorial the fire is still burning and it’s July 17. The fire is (or […]

Democracy Is Fragile

I was in Istanbul, Turkey, this past winter and I had the pleasure to walk in Taksim Square. I was impressed with the city as compared to the major centres in Morocco and Egypt I have seen. The ancient city, […]

Mayday for mayors

I can’t go a day without hearing of some politician from the south getting blasted in every medium over the corruption and collusion scandals that have hit the Montreal area during the last several months. What really gets me is […]

Leadership to be proud of

One must give credit where credit is due. Unexpectedly, this means the Quebec government under the current Parti Québécois administration. They have surprised and delighted me in their recent actions. Most recently, Quebec’s Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment, Wildlife and […]