Category: The Opinion Pages Category

The gold pan du Nord

For Quebec Premier Jean Charest, it’s the political equivalent of a Hail Mary. It’s late in the fourth quarter in his lifelong game of political football, and his team is trailing. After 26 years of elected politics and eight years […]

Looking back

This federal election was certainly bittersweet for many. In Quebec many wished for another minority and even a coalition government in Ottawa. Harper though pulled through and got the majority government he desired and asked Canadians for. The next four […]

As I Look Back…

As I look back on my life I find myself wondering… Did I remember to thank you For all that you have done for me? For all the times you were by my side To help me celebrate my sucessess […]

Make the vote count

Crees, Inuit and other First Nations traditionally don’t really vote as much as other residents of either the Abitibi–Baie-James–Nunavik–Eeyou or the Timmins-James Bay ridings. The times though are changing. Romeo Saganash, a Cree from Waswanipi, has tossed his hat into […]

Hour time

Looking back, to late 1995, it might not have been the best moment to take a job as news editor at the Montreal alternative newsweekly, Hour. It was a week after the referendum on sovereignty, and the small but feisty […]

Election 2011

We need a better reality show! Recently the minority government headed by Prime Minister Steven Harper announced an election for all Canadians because of the Unholy Trinity of the Opposition. At least this is the message coming our way via […]

The home movie on a global scale

So many home videos of the multiple disasters to strike Japan over the past week have been posted online that, even while sitting in the comfort and safety of our homes, it’s almost as if you can suffer post-traumatic stress […]

Who will call the shots?

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for the Cree to dissolve the economic bonds which have connected them with one another, and to combine them, creating an economic engine, the separate and equal station to which […]

Raging in the age of light and darkness

I’m currently reading a great novel by Henry Porter about the temptations of totalitarianism in the birthplace of constitutional limits on state power. Porter’s book The Dying Light recounts an all-too-credible attempt by the British government to use a fake […]

Cree got your tongue

In 1993, the Assembly of First Nations declared the month of March as Aboriginal Languages Month. Since then, March is a time when First Nations celebrate their languages and their survival. There are 192 different Aboriginal languages that are recognized […]