Category: The Opinion Pages Category

Join the missing women’s movement

You can see the movement happening all over Canada. In the Yukon, the Minister responsible for the Women’s Directorate Marian C. Horne said, “Reducing the incidence of violence against Aboriginal women continues to be a priority for the Yukon government.” […]

Third place never looked so good

It’s funny how one person’s bad news can be another’s small cause for celebration. I had to smile when I read recently that one of my favourite targets – the international mining industry – is down on Quebec as a […]

An apology is nothing without change

The Canadian government apologized a couple of weeks ago to 87 Inuits who were relocated 1200 kilometres away from home to the High Arctic against their will. Community members of Inukjuak, Quebec, were moved to Grise Fiord and Resolute, in […]

The era of the electronic leash

Once again I might date myself in an editorial. That doesn’t mean this rant is any less pertinent to our lives, however. That’s because, my dear technologically enslaved readers, we need to travel further back in time, back to the […]

Where have all the votes gone?

You may be aware that there was a recent election in Mistissini for chief, deputy chief and band council. Like many other would-be Mistissini electors, however, I unfortunately had no chance of voting in the all-important run-off election held July […]

The not-so-sexy Bill C-3

To say that more than a few people were pissed at the attempts of Conservative MPs and senators to address sex discrimination in determining Indian Status through Bill C-3 would be minimizing the problem. Many are saying C-3 doesn’t fix […]

I love the smell of tear gas in the morning

As I write, downtown Toronto is occupied territory, off-limits to the citizens who actually own the streets and public spaces ringed by a modern-day Great Wall of chain-link fences, video surveillance and phalanxes of heavily armoured security personnel. As a […]

National Aboriginal Day in Val-d’Or

While National Aboriginal Day may not have made the news beyond funding cuts in big cities around Canada, in Quebec, Val d’Or’s festivities drew a crowd of 700 people. Perhaps it was the fact they were also celebrating the local […]

Tapping the gusher

As I write, the price of crude oil on the world market is roughly $75 CDN a barrel. That means, according to best estimates, that between $1.5 million and $2.25 million worth of oil is bursting out of British Petroleum’s […]

Barriere Lake Algonquins to be assimilated?

Once again the Barriere Lake community members are up in arms. They say Minister of Indian Affairs Chuck Strahl is trying to abolish Barriere Lake’s customary governance system. They say Strahl and Indian Affairs are once again trying to do […]