It was with a great sense of loss when I heard of Albert Diamond passing on. Albert was more than just a wonderful person; he was always so kind and considerate to all that we always welcomed seeing him at […]
Category: The Opinion Pages Category
The high price of volunteerism
My wife didn’t quite know what she was getting into when she accepted a request a few years ago to join the board of directors at the public daycare centre our children attend. By law, the board must have a […]
Doctorate for Philip Awashish
I can’t think of a single Indigenous person in Canada who more deserves the accolade of an honourary doctorate bestowed on him by McMaster University than Philip Awashish. It has always amazed me that he has never been honoured by […]
Flu pandemic highlights federal failures
The sight, during the Cree Fitness Challenge in Nemaska last month, was a jarring reminder of the flu pandemic that has swept Native communities across Canada’s north. A medical facemask worn by a young girl in order to ward off […]
Election 2009: missed opportunities, new hopes
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. That hackneyed refrain could be the slogan for the recently concluded election for Grand Chief of the Crees that returned Matthew Coon Come to power after a 10-year absence from active […]
Who does the Assembly of First Nations represent?
The Assembly of First Nations held another “election” last month; one that does not represent the voice of the 700,000-plus Native people who call Canada home, which just reminds us that a major change is needed. The faulty way the […]
On the campaign trail
It was a long debate in Chisasibi that ended at 5 am. It was a good test both of endurance and the willingness of the Cree population to really get to know the candidates. It also points out a problem […]
River of life
I grew up living aside rivers, big and small. At the moment, I live a city block away from the St. Lawrence River, which less resembles the rivers I’ve known as it does an escape hatch for the continent that […]
Climate-change criminals
It’s remarkable how fast a country’s status can change in a few short years. From a nation that was seen as a leader on the environmental file a few short years ago, Canada is now perceived around the world as […]
Nisga’a matriarch fearful of Indigenous people’s disappearance
Nisga’a matriarch Mercy Thomas, also known as Nisibilada, has issued a remarkable statement warning against the sale of Nisga’a lands, held in fee simple ownership under provisions of the Nisga’a treaty. This idea of putting Aboriginal lands into a status […]