Draft 2010 AGA Resolutions
These are working drafts of the resolutions passed at the 2010 AGA. Final copies can be requested from the Grand Council of the Crees.
Grand Council of the Cree
(Eeyou Istchee)/Cree Regional Authority
Annual General Assembly
Subject: Concerning the Request for Adequate Financial and Human Resources to Address the Issue of Bootlegging and Drug Dealing
WHEREAS, The 15th Annual Cree Regional Addictions Awareness Conference was held at Whapmagoostui, Quebec, these dates August 02, 03, 04, 05, and 06, 2010;
WHEREAS, there exist in each of the Cree communities in Eeyou Istchee a problem regarding bootlegging and drug dealing;
WHEREAS, adequate financial and human resources are required to fully address the issue of illegal sales of intoxicating substances in all Cree communities in Eeyou Istchee;
WHEREAS, the root of the bootlegging and drug dealing problem needs to be researched in depth and action plan developed for consideration by local and regional governments, their departments and agencies, all local and regional Cree institutions providing service to address such challenge.
THAT the 15th Annual Cree Regional Addictions Awareness Conference held at Whapmagoostui, Quebec, on August 02, 03, 04, 05 & 06, 2010 hereby calls for the provision of adequate financial and human resources to address the issue of bootlegging and drug dealing in all Cree communities by all service providers giving service to the Cree Nation of Eeyou Istchee;
THAT all Cree service providers such as local and regional governments, their departments and agencies, the CBHSSJB, Cree Justice and Police and others be called to effect immediate action to address all relevant issues having to do with bootlegging and drug dealing.
Proposed by: Bobby Neacappo
Seconded by: James Napash
Subject: Statement by cree spiritual elders, cree traditional healers and cree traditional elders
WHEREAS, The 15th Annual Cree Regional Addictions Awareness Conference was held at Whapmagoostui, Quebec, these dates August 02, 03, 04, 05, and 06, 2010;
WHEREAS, Cree traditional peoples were invited to perform sacred ceremonies in the helping, healing, medicine and traditional knowledge for certain individuals and families who sought/seek traditional approaches to help themselves using Cree Traditional Healing Methods;
WHEREAS, certain Cree individuals and Cree families are expressing that Cree Traditional Sacred Ways of healing be provided as “Freedom of Rite”;
WHEREAS, many Cree men and women have pursued their gifts in the traditional healing practices of the Eeyou-Eenou as practised by our Ancestors;
WHEREAS, such helping, healing, medicine and traditional knowledge methods still exist in Cree society and within Eeyou/Eenou Istchee;
WHEREAS, certain individuals and their spouses hold sacred ceremonies and sacred items such as the Pipe, the Sweat Lodge, the Shaking Tent and other traditional ceremonies;
WHEREAS, traditional doctors/healers have a responsibility to conform to a certain protocol, which dictates that traditional doctors/healers must:
• be authentic in their nature as traditional doctors and healers and be guided by Kitci-Manitou (the Great Spirit);
• have a responsibility to live in a healthy manner, to walk in balance and not to abuse their gifts in any way;
• be dedicated and responsible for the work that they do;
• must have a helper present when doctoring clients;
• use their gifts only for the purpose of healing and guidance, of promoting the health and of the well-being of their individual clients, their families, the community and the nation.
WHEREAS, Cree traditional way of helping, healing, medicine and knowledge methods and approaches have always existed and so profoundly present among our people to this day.
THAT at the 15th Annual Cree Regional Addictions Awareness Conference gathering in Whapmagoostui, Quebec, held on August 02, 03, 04, 05, and 06, 2010 hereby re-affirms the Eeyou/Eenou traditional way of helping, healing, medicine and knowledge methods and approaches, including all sacred ceremonial practices;
THAT the said Conference calls for a meaningful discussion and resolution of the various views of “Cree Traditional Ceremonies” as practiced by our Eeyou-Eenou Ancestors of which at present certain Cree people have retained and are using these ways to help, support, heal and use traditional medicines to people who choose traditional methods to get help and support;
THAT such “Cree Traditional Methods,” including ceremonial practices, be provided as a “Choice of Helping, Healing, Medicine and Knowledge” to individuals and families who seek these Cree methods without fear and judgment;
THAT acknowledgement be given as “Freedom of Rite” of existing “CREE CONCEPTS and APPROACHES to helping, healing, medicine and traditional medicine within EEYOU/EENOU ISTCHEE;”
THAT the 15th Annual Addictions Awareness Conference hereby calls for the recognition, acceptance and support of the Eeyou/Eenou traditional way of helping, healing, medicine and knowledge methods and approaches, including all sacred ceremonial practices, by all Cree institutions, Cree local and regional governments and their departments and agencies.
Subject: Concerning the Call for Inclusion of Traditional Cree Helping Methods
in Health and Social Service Programming and Delivery
WHEREAS, Eeyou-Eenou are a sovereign people with distinct language, culture, heritage, history and philosophies and have inherent Right of Self-Government and Self-determination;
WHEREAS, historically and traditionally Eeyou-Eenou have, and still to this day and always will, practice our Traditional Helping Methods;
WHEREAS, such Traditional Helping Methods include spiritual ceremonial practices and the use of medicines derived from plants, water, and other species of Nature;
WHEREAS, at the 15th Annual Addictions Awareness Conference, held in Whapmagoostui, QC, on August 02, 03, 04, 05 & 06, 2010 has reaffirmed the use of the said Traditional Healing Methods, including traditional ceremonial practices;
WHEREAS, the said Annual Addictions Awareness Conference wishes to request that the Eeyou-Eenou Traditional Helping Methods, including traditional ceremonial practices, be included in the Cree cultural, health and social well-being provided in all areas of programming and service delivery by all Cree institutions, local and regional and other governmental institutions.
THAT the 15th Annual Addictions Awareness Conference held in Whapmagoostui, QC on August 02, 03, 04, 05 & 06, 2010 hereby requests the Cree Board of Health & Social Services of James Bay (CBHSSJB) as well as Cree local, regional and other government institutions and agencies, that the Traditional Helping Methods, including traditional ceremonial practices – be included in all areas of cultural, health and social service programming and delivery provided by all local and regional institutions providing service to the Eeyou-Eenou of Eeyou Istchee.
THAT adequate financial resources be provided to effectively plan, develop and implement all programs related to Traditional Helping Methods, including traditional ceremonial practices.
Subject: Freedom of Religious & Spiritual Beliefs
WHEREAS Freedom of Religion is recognized and protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and freedoms and Quebec’s Charters of Human Rights and Freedom;
WHEREAS it is up to each individual to continue to freely practice their religious and spiritual beliefs within the Eeyou Istchee
THAT the delegates of the 36th AGA of the GCCEI and the 33rd CRA do hereby recognize and respect the attached resolution, submitted by the delegates of Whapmagoostui First Nation
PROPOSED BY: Chief Stanley George
SECONDED BY: Roger Sandy
Subject: Concerning the Request for Additional Resources to Deal with Addictions Issues
WHEREAS, the 15th Annual Cree Regional Addictions Awareness Conference was held at Whapmagoostui, Quebec, on these dates: August 02, 03, 04, 05, and 06, 2010;
WHEREAS, the Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay (CBHSSJB) reports the NNADAP program has been in service for thirty-six (36) years, and at present, there is one NNADAP Worker in each Cree community;
WHEREAS, it is a known fact that the NNADAP worker is often overwhelmed with work overload, which can lead to burn-out conditions and to leaving one’s position as NNADAP Worker;
WHEREAS, alcohol, drug and substance abuse is ever present and rising at an alarming rate in our ten (10) Cree communities which creates enormous pressure on the NNADAP Worker;
WHEREAS, as an example, small communities such as Eastmain or Nemaska each have a population of approximately 600 to 700 people, which requires one (1) Awareness and Prevention Worker, one (1) Addictions and Referral Counsellor, and one (1) Aftercare Worker;
WHEREAS, the larger communities require additional human and financial resources to adequately address and deal with addiction issues.
THAT, the 15th Annual Addictions Awareness Conference held in Whapmagoostui, QC on August 02, 03, 04, 05 & 06, 2010 hereby requests the Cree Board of Health & Social Services of James Bay (CBHSSJB), as well as Cree local, regional and other government institutions and agencies, that adequate financial and human resources be accessed and provided to deal with the addictions issues in all ten (10) Cree communities.
THAT, immediate steps be taken by all cultural, health and social service providers, including the CBHSSJB, local, regional and other government institutions and agencies, to provide the required resources.
Proposed by: Bobby Neacappo
Seconded by: James Napash
Subject: Youth Week
WHEREAS, the delegates of the 2010 Annual Youth General Assembly recognized the importance of the holding of a Youth Week in all the Cree Communities;
WHEREAS, pursuant to deliberations at the 2010 Annual Youth General Assembly the delegates of the Cree Nation Youth Council General Assembly adopted Resolution 2010-04 recognizing the second week of July 2011 as the first annual Youth Week in Eeyou Istchee;
WHEREAS, the delegates of the 2010 Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee)/Cree Regional Authority Annual General Assembly appreciate and support the initiative of the Cree Nation Youth Council in the establishment of a Youth Week;
THAT the delegates of the 2010 Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee)/Cree Regional Authority Annual General Assembly hereby recognize the second week of July 2011 as Youth Week and recommend that all regional and local governments of Eeyou Istchee recognize said designation and designate staff to promote and support the initiative accordingly.
Proposed By: Timothy Matoush
Seconded By: John Blackned
Subject: Cree Cultural Conference
WHEREAS, the key to the success of the Cree Nation has been the efforts to maintain, promote and facilitate the perpetuation and practice of Cree culture;
WHEREAS, every local government, regional entities and the Cree Nation Government are responsible for and carry out cultural initiatives;
WHEREAS, in the modernization and globalization of society in the 21st century the maintenance and enhancement of one’s culture becomes more and more challenging;
WHEREAS there Cree Nation as a whole would benefit from the convocation of a “Cultural Conference” with a view to sharing and developing strategies for the promotion, maintenance and continuation of the Cree Way of Life and provide Cree entities an opportunity to harmonize and maximize their respective cultural initiatives;
THAT the delegates of the 2010 Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee)/Cree Regional Authority Annual General Assembly hereby call for the convocation of a “Cultural Conference” with a view to sharing and developing strategies for the promotion, maintenance and continuation of the Cree Way of Life and provide Cree entities an opportunity to harmonize and maximize their respective cultural initiatives;
THAT, the delegates of the 2010 of the GCCEI/CRA General Assembly support the CTA, CWEIA, CNYC and the Elders’ Council, to work together to declare a three-day cultural conference to the population of Eeyou Istchee;
THAT the delegates of the 2010 Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee)/Cree Regional Authority Annual General Assembly hereby mandate the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee)/Cree Regional Authority to do all things necessary to give effect to the foregoing.
Proposed By: George Katapatuk
Seconded By: Doris Bobbish
Subject:Review of Income Security Program
WHEREAS the Income Security Program was established pursuant to the negotiations of the James Bay Northern Quebec Agreement as a manner for supporting the continuation of traditional activities and the Cree way of life;
WHEREAS the rules and regulations surrounding the Income Security Program call for unjust deductions when alternative sources of revenue are gained by a beneficiary, such as the deduction of revenue that is gained from the carrying out of remedial works which are negotiated and implemented to compensate the beneficiary for impact from development;
THAT the delegates of the 2010 Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee)/Cree Regional Authority hereby call for a review of the deductions that are made under the Income Security Program to ensure that the ultimate goal of the preservation of the Cree way of life is respected and to ensure the exemption of all revenue received from the carrying out of remedial works which are compensatory measures due to developmental impact.
Proposed By: James A. Gunner
Seconded BY: John Jolly
Subject: Support for the maamuu nakahehtaau campaign and diabetes prevention strategic planning process, to be implemented by the cbhssjb in response to the important threat of type 2 diabetesWHEREAS, type 2 diabetes is the most important threat to the health of the Cree population;
WHEREAS, if we do nothing to stop it, this disease will continue to cause human suffering in every Cree family for years to come, and caring for the sick will demand an ever-increasing share of our healthcare resources;
WHEREAS, type 2 diabetes can be prevented by being physically active and maintaining a good diet, which is the way our elders lived and the way Cree people are meant to live;
WHEREAS, healthy public policies that support individuals and families in making healthy choices to prevent diabetes are the responsibility of every Cree entity, not only the Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay (CBHSSJB);
THAT, the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee)/Cree Regional Authority (GCCEI/CRA) supports and encourages the Maamuu Nakahehtaau campaign undertaken by the Public Health Department of the CBHSSJB, calling for all Cree entities to implement and enforce healthy public policies to support the Cree people in their efforts to live a healthy life;
THAT, the GCCEI/CRA supports and urges the local Cree Nations and regional entities to welcome the Maamuu Nakahehtaau team into their communities to carry out multi-stakeholder diabetes prevention planning sessions;
THAT, the GCCEI/CRA urges all local Cree entities, churches and private businesses to send high level delegates to attend the diabetes prevention planning sessions, so that the commitments made in the workshops can be carried out quickly;
THAT, the GCCEI/CRA invites the Public Health Department of the CBHSSJB to present a status report on diabetes in Eeyou Istchee, to be presented at the Annual General Assembly of 2011.
PROPOSED BY: Chief Rusty Cheezo
SECONDED BY: James A Gunner
Subject: Shaakaashtiwaau declaration on Maamuu Aapitishiishtaau Pimatisiiun
WHEREAS Suicide is a major concern in Eeyou/Eenou Istchee and remains a troubling issue that impacts family and the entire community;
WHEREAS the Leaders of Eeyou/Eenou Istchee agree to work together on a regional Suicide Prevention strategy to support each Community in reducing risk factors and provide protective (preventive) factors against Suicide in Eeyou/Eenou Istchee;
THAT the signatories of the declaration collectively agree that this declaration will lead to working together in a Regional Suicide Prevention, Intervention and Strategy outlining context to support communities in the continuum of care services and programs with short, medium and long-term goals for delivery of services;
PROPOSED BY: Roderick Georgekish
SECONDED BY:Bobby Neacappo
SUBJECT: UN Declaration and Canada’s Intention to Endorse
WHEREAS the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was overwhelmingly adopted by the General Assembly in September 2007, after more than 20 years of discussions;
WHEREAS the UN Declaration is the most comprehensive, universal international human rights instrument explicitly addressing the economic, social, cultural, political, spiritual and environmental rights of Indigenous peoples;
WHEREAS the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Ischee) contributed significantly to the formulation and adoption of the Declaration and is determined to achieve its full and effective implementation;
WHEREAS among the four States that voted against the Declaration, Australia and New Zealand have reversed their positions and Canada and the United States are reviewing theirs;
WHEREAS in March 2010, the Canadian government announced in the Speech from the Throne that it will take steps to endorse the Declaration “in a manner that is fully consistent with Canada’s Constitution and laws”;
WHEREAS to limit the Declaration in this qualified manner would defeat the purpose of having international standards, which serve to inspire and guide improved protection for human rights and not simply reinforce the status quo;
WHEREAS the government’s qualification could serve to legitimize existing injustices in Canada and undermine the principle of “universality” that applies to all human rights;
WHEREAS the May 2010 Report of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues urges Canada and the United States to “work in good faith with indigenous peoples for the unqualified endorsement and full implementation of the … Declaration”;
WHEREAS the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people, James Anaya, also urges “any formal statement of endorsement … be made in a manner that is fully consistent with the Declaration’s terms”;
WHEREAS, contrary to Canada’s constitutional and international obligations, the government failed since 2006 to consult Indigenous peoples on matters relating to the Declaration that potentially affect Indigenous rights;
WHEREAS the government is taking unilateral positions in international forums that seriously undermine Indigenous peoples’ rights and the UN Declaration, including forums relating to the Convention on Biological Diversity, intellectual property; and climate change;
WHEREAS in regard to the Convention on Biological Diversity, the draft Protocol being negotiated is inconsistent with the central objective of “fair and equitable sharing” of the benefits from the use of genetic resources and, as a result, Indigenous peoples could be dispossessed of their resource rights and suffer further loss of their traditional knowledge;
WHEREAS in its preamble, the Declaration is described as “a standard of achievement to be pursued in a spirit of partnership and mutual respect”;
THAT in regard to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the qualified endorsement described by the Canadian government will not be consistent with its international and constitutional obligations;
THAT to date, government actions relating to the Declaration have been taken without consultation and accommodation with Indigenous peoples and have failed to uphold the honour of the Crown;
THAT the delegates of the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) urge the Canadian government to endorse the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples without qualification and in a manner that:
i) ensures the survival, dignity, security and well-being of present and future generations of Indigenous peoples;
ii) upholds the April 2008 Motion adopted by the House of Commons calling for the Canadian Parliament and government to “fully implement” the standards in the Declaration;
iii) respects fully the Declaration in all relevant international forums and strengthens the international human rights system for Indigenous peoples throughout the world.
Proposed by: Paul Gull
Seconded by: Chief Rusty Cheezo
Subject: The New Relationship Agreement between the Cree Nation and Canada was agreed to and signed on February 21, 2008
WHEREAS The NRA between the Cree Nation and Canada was agreed to and signed on Feb 21, 2008
WHEREAS the past relocation of the Cree Nation of Nemaska was resolved with Canada
THAT the 2010 AGA of the GCEEI /CRA fully support the full implementation of section 5.3 (b) with respect to post relocation of the Cree Nation of Nemaska
Proposed By: Chief Josie Jimiken
Seconded BY: Bobby Neacappo
WHEREAS the location of the thirty-second meeting of the Grand Council of the Crees and the twenty-ninth meeting of the Cree Regional Authority Annual General Assembly must be determined by the members of the 2011 Annual General Assembly of the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee)/Cree Regional Authority.
THAT the next (2011) annual general assembly of the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) and the Cree Regional Authority be held in Eastmain at a date to be determined by the Board of Directors of the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) and the Council of the Cree Regional Authority.
Proposed By: Chief Josie Jimiken
Seconded By: Roger Sandy
Subject: Lac Bienville
WHEREAS the Whapmagoostui Cree first Nation considers Lac Bienville a special and sacred place
WHEREAS the Lac Bienville ego system is fragile and needs special protection
THAT the GCCEI/CRA AGA of 2010 hereby supports the establishment of Lac Beinville as ecological preserve and as protected area
Proposed By: Chief Stanley George
Seconded By: Roger Sandy
Subject: AirCreebec fare reduction program
WHEREAS the cost of living in Whapmagoostui is very high due to its remote location
WHEREAS the cost of air travel is a major factor to the high cost of living
THAT the GCCEI/CRA AGA of 2010 support the Whapmagoostui First Nation in their request to AirCreebec to consider the possibility of introducing special low rates to and from Whapmagoostui for is beneficiaries
Proposed By: Chief Stanley George
Seconded By: Andrew Natachequan
SUBJECT: Cree regional entities support of local businesses
WHEREAS Cree Local businesses are limited to sales within the Cree Communities;
WHEREAS Cree Local Businesses provide employment to many local community members;
WHEREAS Cree entities provide an opportunity for Cree local businesses to increase their volume of sales;
THAT the members of the GCCEI/CRA General Assembly 2010 hereby support that the Council of the Cree Nation of Mistissini provide this resolution in support of local businesses;
THAT the Cree entities located in Cree communities make their purchases and service contracts with Cree local businesses;
Proposed By: Chief Richard Shecapio
Seconded By: John Jolly
SUBJECT: Monument that Symbolizes Unity and Peace
WHEREAS we recognize that there were conflicts between Cree and Inuit in the past
WHEREAS these conflicts no longer exist
WHEREAS the Crees and Inuit now live together in harmony and respect each other’s existence
THAT a monument be erected to show unity, peace and growth between the two nations;
THAT a special gathering be held at the Nastapoka River on August 8, 2011, to recognize this unity, peace and growth between them
Proposed By: Chief Stanley George
Seconded By: George Sandy