First Nations Bid to replace the cancelled Plains of Abraham Reenactment

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In light of the cancellation of the Plains of Abraham reenactment that was scheduled to happen this summer, the Huron-Wendat First Nation has proposed a hatchet-burying ceremony to take its place.

The National Battlefields Commission pulled the original event, a large-scale reenactment of the 1759 battle between the French and English, due to security concerns since a Quebec separatist group had threatened to disrupt the event.

With the official cancellation coming in this past February 17, the Huron-Wendat Nation was quick to place its bid. Their event would feature a reenactment of the 1701 Grande Paix de Montréal ceremony between France and 39 First Nations. This ceremony marked the end of war between the Iroquois, allied to the English, and the French, allied to the Hurons and the Algonquians which went on for almost 100 years.

The Huron-Wendat event would feature the burying of hatchets by participating First Nations group and then the planting of white pines.

The Commission has yet to comment on the Huron-Wendat proposal.

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