Journey of the Nishiyuu documented in new film
Just over a year ago, the six original Nishiyuu Walkers and their guide left the community of Whapmagootsui with only the snowshoes on their feet, the supplies on their backs and an determination to bring their important message to the country’s attention. This month, their epic story was retold on-screen for the first time in the community where the journey first began.
The Journey of Nishiyuu, a documentary film shot and edited by Great Whale’s Youth Chief Ben Masty, premiered on February 11 at a public viewing in the community. A feast followed the screening.
Although the journey intended to deliver a political message, Masty told spectators before the screening that the film aimed to tell a more personal side of the Nishiyuu story. The walkers’ recently deceased guide Isaac Kawapit is a central character in the film.
Masty hopes the film, which was produced by the Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay, will make its way to the other communities of Eeyou Istchee in the near future.