Justin Trudeau beats Senator Patrick Brazeau in boxing event
With the referee ending the match in the third round, Liberal MP Justin Trudeau was the triumphant winner over Conservative Senator Patrick Brazeau in a white-collar charity boxing match.
Trading in their parliamentary best for respective Liberal red and Conservative blue boxing attire, the two had only sparred previously over Twitter but attracted a sold-out crowd at the Ottawa event to benefit the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation.
According to CBC News, the referee ended the match when Trudeau managed to back Brazeau into a corner using a series of heavy blows to the head and body.
It was agreed upon by both parties that the loser would have his hair cut by the winner in front of the House of Commons the Monday following the fight. And so it was Trudeau who clipped off the Algonquin senator’s long ponytail.
While Brazeau, who hails from Maniwaki, had been the pick for the match with all of his military and martial arts training, it was Trudeau’s stamina from decades of boxing training that won out, resulting in a bloody nose for Brazeau.