Liberals win majority, Ungava

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Philippe Couillard will be Quebec’s new premier following a decisive election victory that saw Parti Québécois leader Pauline Marois resign after losing her own riding in the PQ’s worst election result in 40 years.

In the Ungava riding that covers Eeyou Istchee, Liberal Jean Boucher defeated PQ incumbent Luc Ferland by 1,024 votes in the April 7 election. This is the first time a party other than the PQ will represent the Ungava riding since it was formed in 1981.

Grand Chief Matthew Coon Come congratulated Couillard in a press release the following day.

“We look forward to continuing our efforts to work together on issues of mutual concern and to do so with the same spirit of creativity with which we have addressed issues together in the past,” said Coon Come.

“Our collective initiatives have often resulted in solutions which address Cree concerns, while simultaneously benefitting all the peoples in our region and which ultimately have been positive for Quebecers as a whole.”

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