Members of the Cree Nation express their condolences
They were plucked from the land in their youth.
On April 2, it was discovered that five hunters from Mistissini – David Jimikin, Emmett Coonishish, Chiiwetin Coonishish, Kevin Loon and Charlie Gunner – had perished in a tragic hunting cabin fire near Lake Bussy.
The loss, described as “unfathomable” in a statement by Grand Chief Matthew Coon Come, has sparked an outpouring of emotion from families and the community.
Members of the Cree Nation have reached out to share their grief, condolences and heartfelt thoughts with those suffering from this loss.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, the Executive Director and all our staff, I would like to express our deepest condolences to the Cree Nation of Mistissini and the families of the victims of the Lake Bussy fire. It’s impossible to express how deeply we grieve for these young men. There are many, many members of the Cree Health Board family who are personally touched by this tragedy.
At this time we should all be vigilant and ensure that the people around us who are emotionally vulnerable feel loved and protected.
Bella Moses Petawabano
Chair, Board of Directors
Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay
We, the physicians, dentists and pharmacists who work in Eeyou Istchee, would like to express to each of the families that we have been profoundly affected by the recent tragedy you are having to endure from the sudden and tragic loss of precious loved ones.
As doctors, the very nature of our profession forces us into situations where we are faced with the responsibility of providing a fatal diagnosis or dealing with the sudden death of a patient. This is always deeply distressing to us. Please know that we will never get used to the sorrow imposed upon or experienced by families from the loss of a loved one.
We have witnessed the unique support and strength expressed by the members of the Cree Nation in these painful moments. The community members have come together and formed a circle of love and compassion which bears witness that, as time passes, and with the support and love of the surviving members of the families and community members, the healing will begin. We remain available to assist you in any way we can.
On behalf of the Council of Physicians, Dentists and Pharmacists (CPDP) of the Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay (CBHSSJB),
Dr. Darlene Kitty, CPDP President
Dr. Laurent Marcoux, Director of Medical Affairs and Services
Dr. Carole Laforest, Head, Regional Department of Medicine
Our hearts are saddened by your loss and our thoughts and prayers are with you.
– Katherine Morrow, Iain Cook, Sacha Cook
Working at the clinic over so many years, at some point we meet everyone and their families. We have a chance to share many things with those we meet. Today we share a profound sadness.
I sit here thinking of the five men we have lost. I sit here thinking of their families. Some I worked with. Some were friends and some were like young cousins. It is hard to understand or accept that, so suddenly, they are gone.
I try to imagine the shock of their families at this tragic loss. During moments of disbelief and sadness, I also think of the smiles, jokes and happiness they brought to us. I realize the positive impact they had on so many of us, and our fortune that they were in our lives.
These memories are something for us to cherish and hold on to as we work through our grief.
Deepest condolences to the families of our five brothers, friends, husbands and fathers. Please know that we share your loss, and that we are here with you and for you.
On behalf of members of the Mistissini clinic,
Dr. Kavi
Message of condolences on behalf of Anne Foro, the director of planning and programming for the Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay on behalf of her department and team:
To the Cree Nation and to our colleagues Jason Coonishish, Jeanette Loon and Maria MacLeod
Death, we all know is the final destination for everyone, but when some of us leave in that way, the words are hard to found to express our sadness. This is a big loss for the Cree Nation. On behalf of the department team, I am presenting our condolences to the community of Mistissini.
Jason, Jeanette and Maria, you are our closest coworkers, and it is with a heavy heart that we are sending you all deepest sympathy on the loss of your family members.
My personal words, as your supervisor, are: death cannot have the last word. As the African poet Birago Diop wrote, “the dead are not dead…they are in the trembling of the trees, in the groaning of the woods, in the water that runs….” This is to remind you that your love ones will be watching over you. Resilience is very Cree and this is a great value that will help you go over the mourning.
Anne Foro
Director of Planning & Programming
Cree Board of Health & Social Services of James Bay
Our hearts go out to all the people touched by the tragic loss of five community members. We mourn with the Cree Nation.
Dr. Toby Fainsilber, Dr. Barry Fine, Dr. Fhameeda Adam. Dr. Nicole Seben, Dr. Erin Sandiland, Dr. Tamara Fitch, Waswanipi
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
All my love and sympathy to you, your families and our communities in this difficult time.
With deepest condolences,
Kianoush Dehghani
I just want to say to all the families that I’m very, very sorry for your loss. My heart breaks for you all. I pray for the families every night before bed and every morning when I wake up. I went to church and asked for prayers for the families. You are always in my thoughts. May God bless the families and be with you on your healing journey.
– Candace Debassige
Our heartfelt condolences to the people of Mistissini.
“Even though I walk through the darkest valley…God, you are with me.” Psalm 23:4 (NIV)
With love and prayers.
– Dennis and Barbara Gilpin, Waskaganish
On behalf of the Cree Women of Eeyou Istchee Association Board of Directors and staff, we join all of you in your sorrow. We wish you peace and healing and sending you a hug and love through this note. Special thoughts and heartfelt prayers are with you and your family during this time of sorrow.
E. Virginia Wabano
Our hearts go out to all the families and friends affected by this tragedy. It was something we are never prepared for that affects us all deeply. I knew the young men and feel the loss as many do. For once I am at a loss to find the right words but send my prayers and those of all the staff here at the Nation and Beesum Communications.
Will Nicholls