New Chairman for the Cree Health Board

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On October 14, it was announced that James Bobbish was the new chairman for the Cree Health Board.

Bobbish squeaked by his opponent John Matoush in a hotly contested run-off election. Bobbish garnered 50.5% of the vote while Matoush picked up 49.5%.

“It was a very close vote,” said Bobbish, “which means that all voters need to be acknowledged and that everyone’s views should be listened to in developing our health program.”

Bobbish already has much experience within the CHB and has contributed in many areas of health issues over the recent years.

“My long-term goal as a leader, in collaboration with the members of the Board, is to develop a strong Cree organization that will become a key partner with other Cree entities in building a stronger Cree Nation,”said Bobbish.

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