Robert James Weistche, former chief of Waskaganish, suffered a heart attack while cross-country skiing, and died on March 11; he was 55. Weistche was known as a “gentle radical”. Growing up, he was influenced by the American Indian Movement (AIM), […]
In The Issue
An Ethnical Seal Harvest
The Nunavut government gave its seal of approval to the Universal Declaration on the Ethical Harvest of Seals. The Declaration is to create common ethical principles for all seal-hunting peoples based on three responsibilities: animal welfare, the well being of […]
President Raymond Menarick opened the James Bay Cree Communications Society AGA in Chisasibi on February 7. Community radio and the Cree regional radio have come a long way. No longer is the JBCCS plagued by having to live from week […]
Business as usual for Jack Blacksmith
In a hotly contested election in Waswanipi for representatives for the Board of Compensation and CREECO, Jack Blacksmith held on to his seat. Had he lost, the chairmanship of the Board of Compensation and presidency of CREECO would have been […]
A New Era in Health
If the recent H1N1 pandemic posed a challenge for Quebec health authorities, it was a double challenge for the Cree Board of Health and Social Services (CBHSS), which faces shortages of staff and facilities in most of the James Bay […]
Opportunities Galore
While the main business sectors of Canada are striving to recover from the recent market downturn, those in the North are not only growing, but are aiming to make their presence felt in the South. They managed to achieve this […]
Marching for the Missing and Murdered
Braving frigid temperatures and forgoing romantic afternoons with their sweethearts, over 200 people gathered on Valentine’s Day to take part in the 19th Annual Woman’s Memorial March. The purpose of the event was to bring together Canadians of all backgrounds […]
What’s “Tough on Crime” Mean?
Prime Minister Stephen Harper ushered in five new senators at the end of January to help solidify his tough-on-crime policy, but tough on crime might just mean being tougher on some of Canada’s most marginalized people. For the Native Women’s […]
Cree Power
February 10 became a historic day for the Nation of Eeyou Istchee as five community Chiefs handed over their cheques and inked the deal with Eeyou Power, the newly formed Cree energy company. Chiefs from Eastmain, Nemaska, Oujé-Bougoumou, Waskaganish and […]
This Is Our Land
The Council Board held a special meeting in Mistissini on February 9 to address growing concerns throughout out the Cree communities that stem from the creation of Bill 40. This piece of legislation was created in 2001 after the signing […]