Matthew Coon Come is a man on the move. On July 30, Coon Come won the office of Grand Chief with 63% of the vote, soundly defeating his opponent, incumbent Matthew Mukash. The newly elected Grand Chief of Eeyou Istchee […]
In The Issue
To pave or not to pave
You would think building a new road would be a straightforward issue. But when it concerns the extension of the James Bay Highway from Radisson to Whapmagoostui-Kuujjuarapik, it’s a whole other story. In late June, the Ministère des transport du […]
An interview with Deputy Grand Chief candidate Bella Moses Petawabano
TN: How did you feel about the first round of the election? BMP: I think it went very well. I was very surprised because I was competing with people who have extensive experience in Cree politics who are also known […]
An interview with Deputy Grand Chief candidate Ashley Iserhoff
TN: How are you feeling about the July 15 election? AI: It was very exciting. Elections are a very exciting time for everybody and people are very anxious. I guess I was more anxious than nervous to hear the results. […]
An interview with Grand Chief candidate Matthew Coon Come
TN: How did the first portion of the election go for you? MCC: I thought that all of the candidates campaigned superbly. They all made important contributions and they made me proud to be Cree. But, of course I would […]
An interview with Grand Chief candidate Matthew Mukash
TN: How do you think this last portion of the election went? MM: I have not made an analysis myself of why the numbers went the way they did. The voter turnout was not all that big. Basically it is […]
Learning about the shrooms
There’s more to find in the bush than meets the eye. That’s what Pierre Chevrier is betting on. The Economic Development Advisor and Sustainable Development Officer for the James Bay Development Society (SDBJ) in Matagami, Chevrier is spearheading a pilot […]
Vegetable fun
The game of street hockey will never be the same for a group of young Natives from the Val-d’Or Native Friendship Centre. On July 1 and 2, Loco Locass, the popular francophone hip-hop band, visited the centre and hooked up […]
Sharing the wealth
The signing of an Impact Benefit Agreement (IBA) by Matachewan First Nation and Northgate Minerals Corp. on July 14, means that the community will benefit from a new spirit of cooperation when it comes to resource development on or near […]
Fifty – and proud
Members of the Cree community of Wemindji celebrated 50 years of existence and they did so in style. Bradley A. J. Georgekish, one of the main organizers, was impressed how the community came together to support the festival. It was […]