The only thing left to say is that there’s room for improvement – but not much. For the first time in its 16-year history, the Nation was nominated as a finalist for the Best Overall Newspaper at this year’s Quebec […]
In The Issue
Wemindji’s 50th Anniversary Festival
Before 1959, the community of Wemindji did not exist. The Crees who now occupy the town moved to this area after their original settlement, Old Factory Island, was outgrown by the burgeoning population and so the community’s Elders and hunters […]
Interview with Grand Chief Matthew Mukash
Grand Chief Matthew Mukash has been at the helm of the Cree Nation for the last four years. As of this May, he has announced his candidacy to run for a second term as Grand Chief. Born in 1951, Mukash […]
Balancing the Scales of Justice
Appointed to the position of Chief Judge for the San Manuel Tribal Court in Highland, California, Joanne Willis Newton is feeling honoured after being picked from among the 400 applicants. It’s been a long road for Willis Newton who spent […]
Deadly Water Games
According to the Safe Drinking Water Foundation, Health Canada still tells 95 communities to boil their water and Indian Affairs warns that water systems in 85 communities could break down. SDWF presently estimates that 90 per cent of First Nations […]
Movin’ On Up
Though it might be hard to quantify whether residents of Val-d’Or are less inclined to racial prejudice ever since the city’s Native Friendship Centre (NFC) began its Awareness Week for the Elimination off Racial Discrimination, the movement itself has certainly […]
Clarifying the Oujé-Bougoumou meetings
I read with interest the recent articles in The Nation (Vol 16, Issues 11 & 12, April 10 & 24, 2009) on the presentation at the end of March to the Oujé-Bougoumou people of the results of the risk assessment […]
Building a business despite exclusivity
Regarding the article “Exclusive Turf” (Vol. 16, Issue 10, March 27, 2009), you should correct the statement regarding the BuroPlus franchise store in Val-d’Or (Gyva). This operation holds the dealership for Lacasse office furniture and Mistissini, according to Lacasse, falls […]
Get Your Facts Straight
I am writing in response to the recent comments made by the respected Boyce Richardson published in the Nation (Vol 16, Issue 10, March 27, 2009) and 9 Will Nicholls’) comments as editor-in-chief. Since your failure to return my telephone […]
Will on the Grill
Restaurant L’Orignal, 479 Saint-Alexis (corner Notre Dame) I had the opportunity to experience L’Orignal a while back. This restaurant features wild game and does it with panache. Owner Travis Champion, an expert in wild meat, grew up in New Brunswick […]