Though the Crees as a whole may not feel like celebrities on a day-to-day basis, they are world famous for the development of the world’s first modern treaty, the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement. This is why when other […]
In The Issue
The Government Won’t Budge
Having declared a state of emergency with a desire to evacuate on March 28, the community of Attawapiskat is still living amid contamination from diesel fumes and Indian Affairs is thwarting their every attempt to leave. In mid-March, Indian and […]
Eelgrass Once More
Though it’s been a long time coming, the declining eelgrass growth in James Bay is finally being discussed once more in the House of Commons. In March 2008, Crees from Chisasibi, along with their Chief Roderick Pachano, spoke in the […]
Patricia Menarick’s medal
It’s been a great year for, Patricia Menarick, a Cree student at Canadore College. She was one of 99 Aboriginal graduates and received one of the Ontario college’s most prestigious awards. Menarick was nominated by her professors of the Social […]
To: The Editorial Board of the Nation
Regarding the article in the brief section of the Nation (Vol. 16, No. 10 March 27, 2009). Why does this magazine keep dragging the former Grand Chief Ted Moses through the mud. Is it because it’s election year for the Grand […]
Volunteers Needed in the Search for Maisy Odjick and Shannon Alexander
The families of Maisy Odjick, 16, and Shannon Alexander, 17, have joined forces with the team from Search and Global One in an ongoing effort to recover clues to the teens’ whereabouts. The girls, who are both from the Algonquin […]
More Dead Ducks than Previously Estimated in Alberta’s Oil Sands
Syncrude Canada president Tom Katinas has announced that 1,606 ducks died in one of the company’s tailings ponds last spring and not the original 500 that was suspected. The ducks drowned in the tailings pond last spring and the original […]
The Journey Ends and a New Chapter Begins
The second leg of the Journey through Eeyou Istchee, “Journey of Hope, Embracing Life”, finished in celebration on March 28 in Waskaganish. The first leg of the journey began through the inland Cree communities during the winter of 2008, while […]
New Study Suggests Native Children Have 4X Higher Death Rate
A groundbreaking new study released by Health Canada suggests that Indigenous children in Canada and several other developed countries have an infant mortality rate four times higher than the non-Indigenous populations of those countries. The 18-month-long study, Indigenous Children’s Health […]
Sunglasses Are A Sure Sign Of Spring
My parents were visiting recently this spring. My dad Marius wanted to buy sunglasses in the worst way. He was considering some fashion glasses that were expensive and I convinced him to head to a dollar store. He took advantage […]