Poachers convicted for hunting on Category II lands

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According to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Wildlife, on August 31, two men from Val David were convicted on charges of poaching and sentenced to fines totaling $8400.

The charges stem from when the two, Pascal Rondeau and Jean-Guy St-Denis, were caught hunting last February on Category II lands near Mistissini.

An investigation was carried out by game wardens from Eastmain, resulting in the two men being charged with four counts related to hunting big game or caribou. Those charges include hunting big game without a license, driving in a prohibited area, unlawful possession of large game and hunting on lands reserved for the Aboriginals without the consent of the community.

Along with having to pay fines totaling $4200 each as well as court costs, Rondeau and St-Denis will not be able to obtain a hunting license for a period of 24 months and the meat they were in possession of at the time was seized.

The Ministry wishes to remind the public that poaching is a highly illegal offense. If you or anyone you know suspects that poaching is happening within Cree territory, please contact SOS Poaching at 1-800-463-2191.


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