Pow Wow Listings 2010
May 21-23: Brown Bear Woman contest pow wow
Location: Tsuu T’ina Nation, Calgary, Alberta
Info: Coralee Starlight,
306-723-4966; killstwo@yahoo.com
May 22-23: Issoitapiiksi Community contest pow wow
Location: Levern, Alberta
Info: Flora Scout,
May 28-30: 31st Annual Odawa contest pow wow
Location: Ottawa-Nepean Tent & Trailer Park, Nepean, Ontario
Info: 613-722-3811; fkakegamick@odawa.on.ca
June 5-6: 21st Annual Traditional pow wow “Mnomaawnjidwin” Good Gathering Traditional pow wow
Location: Wolf’s Den Archery & Sports Equipment, Utopia, Ontario
Info: Gary Sutherland,
June 5-6: Kitigan Zibi Traditional pow wow
Location: Maniwaki, Quebec
Info: Karen Buckshot-Commonda, 819-449-1275; kbuckshot@yahoo.ca www.kza.qc.ca/powwow.php
June 12-13: Peace River contest pow wow
Location: Peace River, Alberta
Info: Christina Hogaboam, 780-624-6316; christina.hogaboam@gov.ab.ca
June 16: First Annual Graduation contest pow wow
Location: Griffiths Stadium, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan
Info: Annie Battiste,
306-966-5790; asc@usask.ca
June 18-20: 13th Annual Noongam Traditional pow wow
Location: Queen Juliana Park, Ottawa, Ontario
June 18-20: Spirit of the Peace Traditional pow wow
Location: Taylor, British Columbia
Info: Diane Barclay,
250-785-2632; dbarclay@prn.bc.ca
July 16,17 & 18: Onion Lake Annual Pow-wow
Location: Onion Lake, Saskatchewan Irene Carter 306-344-2525 irenedcarter@gmail.com
June 21st: Unity Powwow – , 2010, 88 Brunel Road, Huntsville, ON, P1H 1R1,
www.huntsville.ca, contact Robin: 705-325-3611 ext. 1298.
June 26-27: 49th Annual Aamjiwnaang First Nation pow wow
Location: 978 Tashmoo Ave, Sarnia, Ontario
Info: 519-336-8410;
July 10-11: 20th Annual Echoes of a Proud Nation contest pow wow
Location: Kahnawake Ceremonial Grounds, Kahnawake, Quebec
Info: info@kahnawakepowwow.com
July 13-15: Sakicawasihk 2010 contest pow wow
Location: North Battleford Civic Centre, North Battleford, Saskatchewan
Info: Shaun Weber,
306-446-3833; shaun.weber@siga.sk.ca
July 16-18: 3rd Annual Poundmaker contest pow wow
Location: Lawmaker Lodge, St. Albert, Alberta
Info: 780-458-1884;
July 16-18: 20th Annual Opwaggwanishining traditional pow wow
Location: Nipigon, Ontario (across from Lake Helen)
Info: 807-887-2510 or
July 17: Dakota Oyate contest pow wow
Location: Pow wow grounds, Sioux Vally, Manitoba
Info: 204-855-3102 or
July 17-18: Dakota Oyate contest pow wow
Location: Pow wow grounds, Blind River, Ontario
Info: 705-356-1621 # 2236 or 705-261-2428;
July 24-25: Grand River “Champion of Champions” contest pow wow
Location: Chiefswood Tent & Trailer Park, Six Nations, Ohsweken, Ontario
Info: Charlene Bomberry 519-445-4061;
July 30-31: 17th Annual Thessalon First Nation traditional pow wow
Location: Thessalon First Nation pow wow grounds, Thessalon, Ontarios
Info: 705-842-2670 #225
July 30-August 1: Wendake Competition pow wow
Location: Wendake, Quebec
Info: Eve Bastien
418-655-5699; wendakepowwow@hotmail.com wendakepowwow.webs.com
Additional Info: $40,000 in prizes
July 31-August 1: 18th Annual Listuguj traditional pow wow
Location: Listuguj, Quebec. Moffet’s Landing
Info: 418-788-3166 or
July 31-August 2: Wikwemikong 50th Annual Cultural Festival contest pow wow
Location: Thunderbird Park, Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve, Manitoulin Island, Ontario
Info: Cynthia Bell or Rob Fox, 705-859-2385; cbell@wikwemikongheritage.org www.wikwemikongheritage.org
August 3-5: Brokenhead Ojibway Nation traditional pow wow
Location: Brokenhead, Manitoba
Info: Delores Chief-Abigosis, 204-746-2812 or
August 7-8: 40th Annual Saugeen First Nations contest pow wow
Location: James Mason Centre, Saugeen First Nation #29, Southampton, Ontario
Info: 519-797-1973; clinton.renee@sympatico.ca
August 13-15: Siksika Fair contest pow wow
Location: Fair Grounds, Siksika, Alberta
Info: 403-734-5100
August 17-19: Cowessess First Nations traditional pow wow
Location: Pow wow grounds, Cowessess, Saskatchewan
Info: 306-696-3324 lionel.sparver@cowessessfn.com
August 20-22: First Nations Gathering traditional pow wow
Location: Oujé-bougoumou, Quebec
Info: Harry T. Sharl,
info@firstnationsgathering.com www.firstnationsgathering.com
August 20-22: Roseau River Anishinabe Compeition pow wow
Location: Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation, Manitoba
Info: Chief Terry Nelson
August 21-22: Three Fires Homecoming pow wow and Traditional Gathering
Location: New Credit Reserve, Hagersville, Ontario
Info: Faith Rivers,
519-445-2283; faith_rivers2002@yahoo.com
August 21-22: 17th Annual Whitefish River traditional pow wow
Location: Sunshine Alley, Birch Island, Ontario
Info: 705-285-4335
August 21-23: George Gordon contest pow wow
Location: George Gordon First Nation, Punnichy, Saskatechewan
Info: Lorna McNab
306-835-2232 gordonfirstnation@sasktel.net www.georgegordonfirstnation.com/about.htm
MCs: Howie Thompson & Winston Bear
ADs: Conrad Medicine Rope & Darcy Anaquod
Total prize payout: $100,000
September 3-5: Wabigoon Lake Ojibway traditional pow wow
Location: Dryden, Ontario.
Info: 807-938-6684 or
September 4-5: Delaware Nation contest pow wow
Location: Highgate Road, Moravian Reserve, Ontario
Info: 519-692-3936 or
September 9-12: Six Nations Fall Fair contest pow wow
Location: Fair Grounds, Ohsweken, Ontario
Info: 519-758-5444; jsandy@sixnations.ca
September 10-12: Shackan Traditional pow wow
Location: Shackan, British Columbia
Info: Chief Ruby Adams,
September 11-12: 10th Annual Traditional pow wow
Location: Ste Marie Park, Midland, Ontario
Info: Kathy, 705-526-5589; gbnfc@gbnfc.com
September 18-19: Traditional harvest festival & pow wow
Location: Ontario Museum of Archaeology, London, Ontario
Info: Dr. Robert Pearson, 519-473-1360; rpearce@uwo.ca
October 3-7: Manito Ahbee International contest pow wow
Location: MTS Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Info: 204-956-1849; info@manitoahbee.com
November 20: 5th Annual Honoring Children traditional pow wow
Location: Winnipeg Indian & Métis Friendship Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Info: 204-336-3600 or
204-250-4908; hill_mckay@yahoo.ca