Shooter apprehended in Nemaska
According to Freddie Wapachee, Deputy Director of the Nemaska Police Force, on September 15, at 11:22 am, the police received a call from a local resident indicating that shots had been fired within the community.
Police responded immediately to track the 17-year-old who has now been charged in the incident. Apparently the youth came out of the bush with a 12-gauge shotgun and began firing the weapon throughout the community.
By 3:00 pm the community called for a state of emergency and asked residents to stay inside their homes.
The Sûreté de Québec was called in, along with several other police forces from neighbouring communities, to form roadblocks to prevent the suspect from leaving the vicinity.
The suspect surrendered at 7:42 pm and the police suspect that alcohol was a factor in the crime.