Snowmobiler’s death linked to alcohol and speed

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Mistissini resident Matthew Coonishish died after being crushed by his friend’s snowmobile March 18 as they were riding on Waconichi Lake near Chibougamou. The Sûreté du Québec attributed the accident to impaired driving at high speeds by both vehicle operators.

The tragedy adds another number to grim statistics in Quebec’s winter pastime. Since 2007, 6,000 people have been hospitalized for snowmobiling-related injuries. The numbers also reveal that adult males in their early 40s are the most prone to snowmobiling accidents.

Quebec law, the strictest in Canada, requires helmets for riders as well as towed passengers. Although most accidents happen out of either bad luck or negligence, some can be entirely avoided by educating the public of the dangers while operating a snowmobile while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Unfortunately, stories such as Coonishish’s serve as a stark reminder to the dangers of the sport.


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