Post Tagged with: "60s Scoop"

A 60s Scoop survivor discusses Ottawa’s compensation offer

A 60s Scoop survivor discusses Ottawa’s compensation offer

“The government is really cheap! It’s really surreal and really insulting, considering all of the things that Indigenous people have gone through.” Nakuset, the First Nations activist and Director of the Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal, was speaking about the […]


Northern Chief celebrates Sixties Scoop ruling

Chief Marcia Brown Martel of Beaverhouse First Nation near Kirkland Lake, Ontario, is excited and relieved that a Toronto judge has ruled in favour of the Sixties Scoop class action lawsuit. The suit, which Chief Brown Martel has led during […]

Sisters of the 60s Scoop reunited

Sisters of the 60s Scoop reunited

Nakuset, the director of Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal (NWSM), is well known for her work to support women’s rights, fight racism and raise awareness of First Nations culture for authorities and children in care. Much of the motivation for […]

Charlie Angus chronicles Treaty 9 and the stolen wealth of northern Ontario in a new book

Charlie Angus chronicles Treaty 9 and the stolen wealth of northern Ontario in a new book

New Democrat MP Charlie Angus’ new book Children of the Broken Treaty is a history of Treaty 9, from its signing through the nightmare years of St. Anne’s Residential School in Fort Albany, past the ’60s Scoop, the crises in […]