Post Tagged with: "Bill Namagoose"


Road to recognition: MoCreebec’s acceptance as the 11th Cree community paves way for provincial and federal negotiations

A resolution passed at the Grand Council of the Crees/Cree Nation Government (GCC/CNG) council board meeting November 22 seeks to make good on a 40-year-old promise. “It was recognized during the negotiations of the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement […]

Trudeau announces Indigenous Affairs shake-up to mixed reviews

Trudeau announces Indigenous Affairs shake-up to mixed reviews

In an unexpected move, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced August 28 that Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) is being divided into two sections by self-governing and non-self-governing First Nations communities, effectively replacing the current model. Former health minister Jane […]

Abel Bosum takes over at Cree AGA in Whapmagoostui

Abel Bosum takes over at Cree AGA in Whapmagoostui

Newly elected Grand Chief Abel Bosum’s presided over his first Annual General Assembly as Grand Chief August 1-3 in Whapmagoostui, where the Nation spoke to new Cree leaders about his election victory. Bosum said he felt validated by the response […]

Canada adopts Cree Governance Act

Canada adopts Cree Governance Act

Almost a decade of preparing for Cree autonomy finally paid off for the Grand Council of the Cree on June 16, when the Liberal government cabinet approved the Cree Governance Act. The only problem was they couldn’t tell anyone about […]

Decision Time: Consultation sessions end on proposed Cree constitution

Decision Time: Consultation sessions end on proposed Cree constitution

Okay Cree Nation, the ball is now in your court. With the community consultations wrapping up, the responsibility is with the members of each Cree community to decide whether to endorse the proposed Cree constitution. For the past three months […]

Norman Hawkins: 1946-2017

It was with great sorrow that I learned Norm Hawkins passed away on February 22. Norm was a man I respected as a straight talker. He never sugarcoated a situation. He never got rich off the Cree people but worked […]

Crees help draft UNDRIP strategy at national meeting

Crees help draft UNDRIP strategy at national meeting

A daylong strategy and dialogue session regarding the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) preceded the Assembly of First Nations’ (AFN) Special Chiefs Assembly that gathered under the theme “Advancing Reconciliation” in Gatineau December 6-8. UNDRIP […]