In case you haven’t noticed, it’s winter in the land of the wandering polar bear, with the biting and burning winds in this sub-zero climate we like to call home. Taking note of this, the wind chill hovering around minus-50 […]
Post Tagged with: "Cree"
Grand Chief Coon Come addresses pressing issues at public meeting
Grand Chief Matthew Coon Come addressed a town hall meeting in Mistissini February 3 to talk about a variety of issues, including education credits for residential school survivors, the Baril-Moses Agreement and the evolution of the Cree Development Corporation (CDC). […]
Programs and ideas for improving your health during the cold months
With the light and warmth of summer months away, the natural inclination is to bundle up in front of the TV as much as possible. However, this is the worst plan for your health as human beings need to be […]
Grand Chief Coon Come’s State of the Cree Nation Address
A lot can happen in a year, particularly when you are at the helm of one of the most powerful First Nations in Canada. This is why it is always interesting to go directly to the source and find out […]
Cree Youth finish 850-km walk against uranium development
By Jeremy East and Joel Barde Photos by Jeremy East After walking hundreds of kilometres through punishing late-autumn weather, a group of Cree youth arrived in Montreal December 15 to deliver the message they had carried since leaving Mistissini three […]
Eeyou Istchee leaders share their highs, lows and hopes for the future
As families celebrate the end of another year and shed their burdens for the season, many of us find ourselves contemplating what was and what could be when the world picks up again in the New Year. Looking back on […]
Centre encourages a love for science in Whapmagoostui-Kuujjuarapik
Alanah Heffez was impressed when she heard that the Centre d’études nordiques was building a new community science centre in Whapmagoostui-Kuujjuarapik. It was 2009, and she was organizing science activities for the Cree Health Board. She saw enormous potential in […]
Dispute within Mistissini’s Living Water Assembly prompts lawsuit
Controversy is roiling the Living Water Assembly in Mistissini, where the board of directors of the local Pentecostal church has taken former pastor Joseph Blacksmith to court. The members of the board state that in the past year Blacksmith has […]
Quebec-Cree collaboration on the Plan Nord
Unveiled in 2011 under Jean Charest’s Liberal government, Plan Nord was the province’s long-term strategy for improving access to and developing the vast untapped mineral and energy resources that lie north of the 49th parallel; a gargantuan landmass twice the […]
Meechum’s annual fundraiser spreads the holiday spirit in Mistissini
Christmas brings families together throughout Eeyou Istchee. For most, a turkey dinner with all the fixing and gifts under the tree are an integral part of the holiday. Yet for a small minority, those things are out of reach. Putting […]