Post Tagged with: "documentary"

Skindigenous digs into the Native roots of tattoos

Skindigenous digs into the Native roots of tattoos

These days, whether you live in a small town or a major city, you’re likely to come across people sporting tattoos on their arms, legs, hands, neck or face. As many of the social stigmas surrounding the practice become less […]

Documentary on the Sixties Scoop illuminates a universal thread

Documentary on the Sixties Scoop illuminates a universal thread

Birth of a Family is a touching chronicle of four siblings coming together, 50 years after being torn apart by the Sixties Scoop. In association the National Film Board and directed by Cree-Nakota filmmaker Tasha Hubbard, the documentary follows the […]

Journey of Nishiyuu World Premier

Journey of Nishiyuu World Premier

Hundreds of kilometres away from home on a wind-whipped frozen lake, the true reason why he was out there dawned on David Kawapit. “There’s this sense of quiet, to stand there and take it all in. Everything seems so small,” […]

Rumble gets into the award rhythm at Sundance

Rumble gets into the award rhythm at Sundance

When it comes to passing on the past, Indigenous cultures do it through storytelling. So it shouldn’t come as a big surprise that the latest documentary by Montreal-based Rezolution Pictures would pick up a prize for doing just that. After […]

Living with Giants: the life of a young Inuk

Living with Giants: the life of a young Inuk

A great documentary leaves the storytelling to its subjects and captures the setting and context in which its characters live their lives without altering the landscape or inserting the filmmaker’s own voice into the narrative. Living with Giants does all […]

Documentary on Attawapiskat highlights inequality and injustice

Documentary on Attawapiskat highlights inequality and injustice

Victoria Lean’s documentary After the Last River follows the one-sided relationship between Attawapiskat, one of Canada’s poorest Indigenous communities, and De Beers, the world’s largest diamond mining company. In 2008, De Beers opened the Victor Mine, just 90 km up […]

Marked for life – new documentary revives the art of traditional Inuit tattoos

Marked for life – new documentary revives the art of traditional Inuit tattoos

Back in 2005, when Iqaluit filmmaker Alethea Arnaquq-Baril was considering a traditional tattoo in the style common for Inuit women until the mid-20th century, she could find only one living woman who still had tattoos – a 104-year-old Elder named […]