Coyote’s Crazy Smart Science Show, a 13-part educational series, premiered on APTN February 11. But its inception came years ago in the Alberta Blackfoot community of Siksika. “Dr. Leroy Littlebear and his partner Amethyst First Rider were working with quantum […]
Post Tagged with: "Elders"
Warming up to the future
As I write, today is one of those really dangerous times to travel on the road in northern Ontario. The weather is causing great problems all along Highway 11 from North Bay to Thunder Bay with freezing rain being reported […]
Keep our Elders with us
I can fluently speak my Cree language and I know how to survive on the land. I owe these skills to the fact that I grew up surrounded by my parents and Elders in my home community of Attawapiskat. How […]
Neemis Jackie
I don’t get the chance to visit with my family often these days. We are all live far apart and lead busy lives. We talk on the phone but it is not the same as being able to sit with […]
Mooshoom’s snow scoop
I enjoy carpentry, woodworking and construction. I like building things, renovating my home and learning how to use new tools. I like to think that I have a knack for figuring out building or construction problems on my own. It […]
Ottawa hosts national WE Day, Kevin Rabbitskin honoured for leadership skills
WE Day Ottawa was a star-studded affair that saw Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and two Juno Award-winning acts take the stage. But first, an Elder welcomed the 16,000-strong crowd at the Canadian Tire Centre to the unceded territory of the […]
Summer literacy camps reverse learning loss
Summer is the time kids have fun and relax, but unfortunately for some, time away from school can result in a loss of learning. On average, a child can lose up to a Grade level of reading comprehension over the summer […]
Where’s the tea?
As a boy living in Attawapiskat, there were some things that were constant in my life. My mom Susan and dad Marius always made sure myself and my siblings had a roof over our head and food to eat. Back […]
Nemeska’s Nishiiyu Cultural Gathering
The voices of Elders, youth and women flooded a crowded gymnasium in Nemaska for the sixth annual Nishiiyu Council of Elders Cultural Gathering September 5-8. The event brought together more than 30 speakers during 16 workshops that offered an opportunity […]
Changing with the seasons
Well, it looks like winter is just around the corner. I am surprised that the leaves are changing colour in mid-September but then again I am in the north and that should be expected. After one of the warmest summers […]