Local politicians, event coordinators and members of Montreal’s First Nations community showed up to rub elbows in fine attire at La Grande Bibliothèque August 3 for the opening of Présence Autochtone, the Montreal First Peoples’ Festival. The evening was formal, […]
Post Tagged with: "First Nations"
Wrap your guns
HIV stats from Saskatchewan carry a grim warning for First Nations around the country. Canada’s Aboriginal populations have a high rate of infection, but that province has a rate comparable undeveloped countries. For every 10 new cases of HIV, seven […]
Moving past the Indian Act at the AFN’s Annual General Assembly
The tone at this year’s annual general assembly of the Assembly of First Nations, with the theme of “Gaining Momentum,” expressed the improving relationship between Indigenous nations, the AFN and the new Liberal government elected last fall. Held in Niagara […]
Reconciliation requires repudiation of an unjust past
In April, NDP MP Romeo Saganash introduced Bill C-262 in the House of Commons. The private member’s bill calls for a legislative framework for full and comprehensive implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). It […]
Sisters of the 60s Scoop reunited
Nakuset, the director of Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal (NWSM), is well known for her work to support women’s rights, fight racism and raise awareness of First Nations culture for authorities and children in care. Much of the motivation for […]
The wrong arm of the law
Once again Quebec is pushing a policy without taking the time to address how it will affect First Nations in the province. You might think the Quebec government has a collective form of Alzheimer’s disease given the forgotten lessons of […]
Positives for a change
The difference in attitude toward First Nations people with the new federal government is amazing. The contrast with the closed and hostile Harper government is huge. That difference was illustrated by the meeting in early June that members of a […]
Hate is a four-letter word
On June 12, we were all reminded just how crazy, bigoted and homophobic our world is. At least 49 people were massacred and 53 more injured at a gay club in Orlando, Florida, by one gunman with a high-powered assault […]
Free the Children launches Aboriginal awareness campaign We Stand Together
About 30 Montreal high school students listened attentively as Mohawk Elder Ka’nahsohon (Kevin) Deer said an opening prayer and sang a song of gratitude at the launch of the We Stand Together Aboriginal awareness campaign at the Ashukan Cultural Centre […]
The times they are a-changin’
Many people do not realize that a very big change has happened for First Nation people when it comes to political commitments and more positive relationships from the government of Canada and province of Ontario. We have come from an […]