Post Tagged with: "Greenpeace"

Final decision for Broadback nears

Final decision for Broadback nears

Waswanipi residents are anxiously awaiting an overdue report that could decide the fate of the Broadback forest, the last pristine area in the southern Cree community’s territory. The provincial Comité d’examen (COMEX) was expected to release its recommendations on logging […]

Broadback on the chopping block

Broadback on the chopping block

“The Cree people of Waswanipi have occupied, governed and protected the land in Waswanipi Eenou Istchee since time immemorial,” said Waswanipi Chief Marcel Happyjack addressing a COMEX hearing in his community on January 19. “As occupants of the land…we have […]

Waswanipi and Greenpeace launch Broadback petition

Waswanipi and Greenpeace launch Broadback petition

Waswanipi and Greenpeace are launching an online petition to gather international support against further logging of the Broadback River Valley, the last untouched region in the community’s territory. The two worked together to create the website, which hosts a […]