Post Tagged with: "Inuit"

The times they are a-changin’

Many people do not realize that a very big change has happened for First Nation people when it comes to political commitments and more positive relationships from the government of Canada and province of Ontario. We have come from an […]

Montreal Police practicing racial profiling?

Montreal Police practicing racial profiling?

“Have you had any issues with Aboriginal people?” This was the question that police officers in Montreal may have been going door-to-door asking residents of certain neighbourhoods.  It happened at least once – and in a triumph of bad luck […]

Opponents of controversial Inuit film confront screening organizer in Montreal

Opponents of controversial Inuit film confront screening organizer in Montreal

The weather was thawing, so it seemed like a good night for a dialogue. But film director Dominic Gagnon never arrived as expected to a scheduled public discussion of his controversial documentary of the North. Earlier on March 9, Montreal […]

Nanook of the future

Nanook of the future

Tanya Tagaq sold out two nights at Montreal’s Place des Arts, and both shows ended with standing ovations. However difficult Tagaq’s music may be for some listeners, she is loved by others. Cambridge Bay’s Tagaq and her band were in […]

Marked for life – new documentary revives the art of traditional Inuit tattoos

Marked for life – new documentary revives the art of traditional Inuit tattoos

Back in 2005, when Iqaluit filmmaker Alethea Arnaquq-Baril was considering a traditional tattoo in the style common for Inuit women until the mid-20th century, she could find only one living woman who still had tattoos – a 104-year-old Elder named […]

An Orenda of honours

An Orenda of honours

Just in time for New Year’s Eve, author Joseph Boyden received news that rounded out 2015 as a year of enormous accomplishment. The accolades previously included the position of Honorary Witness to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada and […]

“of the North” – Quebec filmmaker uses YouTube and unauthorized music to portray the Inuit

“of the North” – Quebec filmmaker uses YouTube and unauthorized music to portray the Inuit

“Everything you need to know is in the first scene he picked, the scene with the nude Inuit girl sitting on the white man’s leg,” said an angry viewer as she left a theatre at the Université du Québec à […]

Iqaluit is the centre of a growing protest against the high cost of northern food

Iqaluit is the centre of a growing protest against the high cost of northern food

Like a lot of recent social movements, Feeding My Family started as a Facebook group, set up by Iqaluit’s Leesee Papatsie in 2012 to raise awareness about the absurdly high cost of food in the North. But it wasn’t until […]