Well, it looks like winter is just around the corner. I am surprised that the leaves are changing colour in mid-September but then again I am in the north and that should be expected. After one of the warmest summers […]
Post Tagged with: "James Bay"
Eeyou Istchee Powwow Roundup
Rain fails to dampen Niimuuhiikan celebration Big Rock’s annual powwow took place August 20-21 with Luke MacLeod bringing on Justice Debassige as the new coordinator for Mistissini’s fourth annual celebration. Inclement weather forced the powwow to move indoors to the […]
New Mistissini Subway features original Cree design
When you walk into franchise restaurants like Tim Hortons, McDonald’s or a KFC, you’re not expecting to come face-to-face with an ancestor. But that’s a possibility at the new Subway opening in Mistissini. “Since we are in a Native community […]
Back to school for students of all ages
Returning to school or pursuing continuing education can seem like a daunting task. The Cree School Board and the staff of Sabtuan Adult Education Services (SAES) offer a wide range of courses for adults looking to develop or improve a […]
JBCCS host Freddie Dixon breathes new life into Cree radio
The DJ booth with a window overlooking Mistissini has become a second home to Freddie Dixon. It’s only a small room with a desk, three microphones, a telephone and two iPads, but it’s where most of the magic happens at […]
The generational sacrifice of war
My great-grandfather, John Chookomolin, died of the Spanish flu 99 years ago after being transported by ship to England to fight in the First World War as part of the Canadian Forestry Corps. When I first visited his grave at […]
Remembering a mother
My mother, Susan Kataquapit, passed from this world on July 23 at the age of 73. My brothers and sisters, her many grandchildren and great-grandchildren are feeling the loss of our matriarch and the connection to our traditional past. She […]
At the beach
I washed off the magnificent speckled trout and got it ready to gut. It was caught earlier this year and spent some time in the deep freeze before I got around to making a nice meal out of it. Slitting […]
Be the hero of your story – Abel Bosum receives honourary law degree
The crowded auditorium falls silent as the speaker approaches the podium to address the graduating class of 2016. It’s a big moment but it’s one our speaker is used to. Abel Bosum has spoken all over the world, negotiated landmark […]
Balancing Act – COMEX president Suzann Méthot on compromise between environment and economy
The Comité d’examen des repercussions sur l’environnement et le milieu social (Environmental and Social Impact Review Committee in English) was given its mandate in accordance with Chapter 22 of the James Bay Northern Quebec Agreement (JBNQA) first established in the […]