Post Tagged with: "Jesse Staniforth"

New Smokey Hill Grocery competes with Northern Store in Waskaganish

New Smokey Hill Grocery competes with Northern Store in Waskaganish

Crees routinely spend a day driving to and from places like Matagami, Amos and Val-d’Or for a better choice of groceries than those available in their hometowns. In most communities, the biggest grocery retailer is the Northern Store, owned by […]

Powwow Power – Montreal’s urban event finds its feet

Powwow Power – Montreal’s urban event finds its feet

“There’s people here from all over the world,” marvelled Pow Wow Montreal organizer Al Harrington, an Anishinaabe from Ontario who now lives in Kanesatake. “I’ve talked to people from Finland, Germany, Austria, France – even Indians from India!” Montreal’s third […]

Montreal Police practicing racial profiling?

Montreal Police practicing racial profiling?

“Have you had any issues with Aboriginal people?” This was the question that police officers in Montreal may have been going door-to-door asking residents of certain neighbourhoods.  It happened at least once – and in a triumph of bad luck […]

Romeo Saganash pushes Liberal government to adopt UN Aboriginal rights standard

Romeo Saganash pushes Liberal government to adopt UN Aboriginal rights standard

The fight to get Canada to adopt the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples has been a long one, one that NDP MP Romeo Saganash has been in since he was a representative of the Grand Council […]

Healing from the land: Whapmagoostui’s John Clarence Kawapit’s journey of grief and re-birth

Healing from the land: Whapmagoostui’s John Clarence Kawapit’s journey of grief and re-birth

About 86 kilometres outside of Inukjuak, John Clarence Kawapit hit the distress signal. He wasn’t in immediate danger, but he was close. His team of three people, walking as John’s Healing Journey from Whapmagoostui to Salluit, was running out of […]

Opponents of controversial Inuit film confront screening organizer in Montreal

Opponents of controversial Inuit film confront screening organizer in Montreal

The weather was thawing, so it seemed like a good night for a dialogue. But film director Dominic Gagnon never arrived as expected to a scheduled public discussion of his controversial documentary of the North. Earlier on March 9, Montreal […]

Fruit of the land

Fruit of the land

James George, manager of Whapmagoostui general store Whale-mart, readily admits that his store offers similar products to those available at the Co-op and the Northern Store in town. The difference, he says, is that Whale-mart is 100% Cree-owned. And what […]

Nanook of the future

Nanook of the future

Tanya Tagaq sold out two nights at Montreal’s Place des Arts, and both shows ended with standing ovations. However difficult Tagaq’s music may be for some listeners, she is loved by others. Cambridge Bay’s Tagaq and her band were in […]

Marked for life – new documentary revives the art of traditional Inuit tattoos

Marked for life – new documentary revives the art of traditional Inuit tattoos

Back in 2005, when Iqaluit filmmaker Alethea Arnaquq-Baril was considering a traditional tattoo in the style common for Inuit women until the mid-20th century, she could find only one living woman who still had tattoos – a 104-year-old Elder named […]

To the rescue: Air Creebec and Propair partner up to provide medevac services

To the rescue: Air Creebec and Propair partner up to provide medevac services

Air Creebec is part of a winning bid to provide medical evacuation services in Quebec. Air Creebec President Matthew Happyjack announced February 5 that the company had joined forces with Rouyn-Noranda-based Propair Inc. to provide emergency medical evacuation (often abbreviated […]