When Trisha Blackned didn’t feel like going to school, she found motivation in Mikw Chiyâm. “I would get excited to go to class and finish my art projects,” said the Waskaganish resident who participated in the arts program in 2015-2016. […]
Post Tagged with: "legacy"
Abel Kitchen, 1943-2018
It was with sadness the news reached us of the passing of Abel Kitchen. Abel was a man of many talents and abilities. When the Quebec government announced the “Project of the Century,” a plan to dam Cree lands— he […]
Our Buddy Gord
I got out of bed this morning about a quarter after 9, when, like the rest of Canada, I was deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Tragically Hip frontman Gord Downie. And while I can’t profess to have […]
Annie Pootoogook, caught between two worlds
Her life, like her art, was situated between two worlds. And both her worlds featured soaring highs and tragic lows. Annie Pootoogook’s life ended just over a year ago, on September 19, 2016. In her 47 years of life, Pootoogook’s […]
Eeyou Istchee’s political women reflect on their experience
Even as they are traditional wardens of the land and mothers to its children, women in Cree politics balance the responsibility of representing the people who have elected them into power. Inspired by the recent election of Mandy Gull as […]
A personal tribute to Dr. Matthew Coon Come
It is a most humbling experience to have been chosen by the people of Eeyou/Eenou Istchee to serve you as your next Grand Chief. It is also profoundly humbling to realize that I will be following in the footsteps of […]
From trapline to statesman
There are many defining moments in a person’s life that shape them into the person they ultimately become. One could look at Matthew Coon Come’s birth in the bush on his parent’s trapline in 1959, for instance. It’s a familiar […]
A legacy of love, laughter, art, music and dance
I have a good life and so much to be thankful for. Everything I am and any success or goodness I have in my life is tied directly to my parents, family and friends. Many Elders, Native and non-Native, have […]