First Nations leaders are raising concerns about a proposed set of policies and laws from the federal government. Announced last February 14 by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the proposed Recognition and Implementation of Rights Framework was touted as a way […]
Post Tagged with: "Prime Minister Justin Trudeau"
Canada set to flout UNDRIP in Kinder Morgan purchase
Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government risks sparking a constitutional crisis with First Nations over its $4.5 billion purchase of Kinder Morgan’s controversial Trans Mountain Expansion pipeline project. The controversial 987-kilometre pipeline expansion from Edmonton to a saltwater port in Burnaby, […]
Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal asks Prime Minister Trudeau to fund housing project
In a speech to the United Nations last September, Prime Minister Trudeau spoke of Canada’s poor treatment of Indigenous peoples, highlighting the “human-rights crisis” of violence against Indigenous women and girls, and pledged concrete steps toward reconciliation. Now Nakuset – […]
Staying on message: AFN’s Special Chiefs Assembly recap
With the number of Indigenous issues making national headlines in recent months –such as the Colten Boushie verdict, the Kinder Morgan protest, and the papal non-apology – staying focused can be a daunting task at Assembly of First Nations meetings. […]
Souls left in darkness
I don’t understand what is happening in the world these days. For example, I thought things were getting better between First Nation people and non-Natives in this country. There has been so much bad history involving violence, residential schools, and […]
There is a lot of work to do
It’s hard to believe that Justin Trudeau became the first sitting Prime Minister to visit a remote community in Nishnawbe Aski territory when he traveled to Pikangikum First Nation January 19. It is not as though Canada was created yesterday, […]
Indigenous group erect teepee at Canada 150 celebrations
On the eve of the Canada 150 celebrations on Parliament Hill, a group calling themselves the Bawaating Water Protectors from Sault Ste. Marie were stopped by a wall of angry police officers while trying to set up a teepee on […]
Trudeau breaking promises to Canada’s First Nations
It’s been a year since Justin Trudeau and his Liberals swept to power, winning a majority government with their “Real Change” campaign and promising to establish a true “nation-to-nation relationship” with Canada’s Indigenous peoples. While the Liberals have honoured a […]
The shine dulls on the Liberal pledge to adopt the UN Declaration
It’s easy to overlook the difference between words and action, especially when the words are something you’ve been waiting to hear for decades. But there’s a cold realization seeping in that our shiny new prime minister may have been fudging […]
First Nation struggles win recognition
It has been a hot and humid summer in northern Ontario. However, the political climate for First Nation people in this province and right across Canada has been refreshing. Good things are beginning to happen for First Nations in education, […]