You look at the world today and what do you see compared to when you were a kid growing up? I look at what my children have and see them missing out on the world outside. Sadly, today everything is […]
Post Tagged with: "Social Media"
The wave of the future
I am a fan of technology. From the time I received my first computer, there was no looking back. It is funny to think now that my little android smartphone can do so much more than that old 386 PC […]
Social studies
A Facebook post featuring a social studies workbook has gone viral and has people from across the country talking. Initially posted by Destiny Samaroo, it’s now been shared over 3800 times and features a photo with a block of text […]
Facebook – a modern dilemma
I am not a fan of Facebook but after waiting by the sidelines for years I have finally broken down and joined the foray. I did so out of sheer necessity as being on Facebook makes it easier for me […]